
Do you think Jeremiah Wright hates America? Before you answer too quickly, think about it. Now, what he says makes it sound like he hates America, but what about his actions? The way he’s going around right now spouting crazy stuff makes it seem like he’s dead set on sinking the Obama candidacy, and is there a better way than that to show your love of America?


  1. Crazy is still crazy. I find it interesting that this Great Theologian never quotes actual bible verses. He gives a general “In the bible, it says” then never gives a specific verse. The biggest sound bite out there, Jeremiah Wright “Quotes” the bible as saying “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” as his explanation why America should be DAMNED. Interestingly enough it’s the golden rule, not an actual bible verse.
    There are verses close to that phrase but that phrase isn’t in the bible, (Matthew 7:17) You think a man of god after 30 years would know that. I find if you go to a church and the minister never quotes from the bible, Curses an entire nation, Lives in a million dollar house owned by the church, but the members are fanatically supportive of this behavior, it’s not a good congregation to be a part of. It’s a cult.

  2. I don’t care what he thinks about America. Just let him keep it up! After the election, he can go back to that paradise that is sub-Saharan Africa where life is beautiful all the time and he’ll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and …. umm, never mind.

  3. #1
    Jeremiah Wright was a Marine. Benedict Arnold was a part of the Continental Army. Get your crack pot former military service right.
    “How could he be accused of hating the US – he was in the Armed Forces! Just like a predecessor, Lee Harvey Oswald, Charles Whitman, and Bea Arthur.”
    On the Army side, the mayor of Berkley was a Capitan in the Army… (Shudder) That’s bad enough.

  4. If he needs money to keep it up, let me know where to send a check and I will make a most generous contribution. As long as he remains front and center I will keep giving money! Key Note at the DNC convention…huge contribution from me…hey, I’m not giving McCain a dime!

  5. I don’t think he is crazy and I don’t think he particularly hates America. I think he will say anything that will make an audience happy and get it worked up. This how he gets the the big contributions for his church (hence the big salary and big house), the big speaking fees, and national attention.
    He is a performer. He gives certain people what they want – what some are willing to pay big bucks to hear him say.

  6. Jeremiah Wright is all over network radio today. I’m sick of him. Sick of his voice. Sick of his face on TV. Sick of Obama. Sick of Hillary, Dean, Kerry, Murtha, Kennedy, Reid, Pelosi, Biden and all the other Dem’s. Let’s buy them all buckets for what’s left of their heads.

  7. I just realized something, FrankJ. “IMAO”? “iMAO”? “i-MAO”? Is this blog actually one of Apple’s new products that involves communist leaders? Are you an Apple employee testing this new blog technology?

  8. He lives a $1.6 MM mansion in a gated community off the Lake that he paid for with money he got for preaching hate against America. In what other country in the world would this scenario be possible?
    I guess he likes America just fine.

  9. Let’s see. He’s got his 15 minutes of fame, plus. His name is just about on everyone’s lips. He’s been to the NAACP thingie in Detroit and that Correspondent’s dinner thing…as Trixie said, he’s got a $1.6 million mansion, gated community on the lake…if he’s crazy, it’s crazy like a fox.

  10. Wright is crazy, not stupid. Before the original story broke, he was famous only in the Chicago area. Now, he’s a celebrity, and is able to bring his message of divisive hate whitey-ness to everybody in America. This is all about the attempt of Wright to create a cult of worship around himself…maybe he’s jealous of Louis Farrakhan, I dunno.

  11. I think America would elect a black man or a woman, or even a black woman. We just won’t elect one on race or gender. Well, thinking voters won’t anyway.
    To sane voters, we want a leader who actually likes, no loves the country they want to lead, and whom we think will do the best job (or the least damage). Show us by your actions, associations, and voting records that you are worthy of our votes.
    What a concept.

  12. The way he’s going around right now spouting crazy stuff makes it seem like he’s dead set on sinking the Obama candidacy, and is there a better way than that to show your love of America?
    Well, if you combined it with sinking Hillary’s candidacy, as well, that would be better.

  13. She has Billy Jeff for that, S.V.Jim. He’s marvellous at it.
    I think #13 was trying to be funny but the boomerang came back on him. So…
    “He’s dead, Jim.”
    “He’s dead, Captain.”
    “He’s dead.”
    “There’s a dead man back there!”
    “He’s worse than dead. His brain is gone.”

  14. I can respect honest hate. You can face it, deal with it, and you know where you stand. But fake hate? Pretended anger? Playing a role to stir up a crowd? There’s gotta be a special circle of hell for that … somewhere between the flatterers and the false prophets I suspect.

  15. #29 – Posted by: David Ross….Okay, so he’s just working a crowd. Why’s the crowd so happy to hear it?

    Because then they get to play the victim – the most exalted class in liberal society.

  16. Well he (Wright) can put the bible down now and go after the real money as a “guest speaker”. I’m betting the Bama campaign is praying long and hard this guy gets hit by a bus because he isnt smart enough to realize he is undermining his Homey. With that said it is a(albeit miniscule) possiblity he knows full well what he is doing to Bama and it is retaliation for Bama not “keepin it real yo”.

  17. Barack “The Second Coming” Obama gets crucified and Wright gets his profitable race baiting game with book deals etc..
    Sounds like Wright is reliving the whole Judas thing to me. I think he has probably heard of the story…
    deja vu!

  18. He loves America the same way all the leftists love America; they love their dreamland radical socialist America that exists in all their minds and hearts
    #16 – Posted by: Cletus on April 28, 2008 08:05 PM
    Their dark, dark minds and hearts.
    And hey, AG
    I’m still proud of my Corps, because, after all, friendly fire incidents happen. Not that Murtha is friendly, but you get the picture.
    Semper Fidelis, Dogface!

  19. echo5a
    See Murtha is why the military needs to police it’s self. If a person was in the service, and said person publicly says something stupid on national T.V that dishonors their service, It’s up to the nearest veteran of that service to go punch that person in the mouth. HARD!
    If you go take care of Murtha for Haditha, I go punch Westley Clarke for making a comment to Alan Combs that He had “heard” that war crimes were happened in Iraq on Fox News 3 years ago. You think a four Star General would know better.

  20. Rev. Wright deserves a medal! He has done America a wonderful service by exposing the real BHO, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.” Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned (apparently this also applies to racist preachers).

  21. I was right. The Divine Comedy, Hell, Canto XXVIII, 8th circle, Malebolge, the 9th gulf.
    ‘For parting those so closely knit, my brain
    parted, alas! I carry from its source,
    that in this trunk inhabits. Thus the law
    of retribution fiercely works in me’

  22. This question just begs to be asked. Since when is it in the realm of human experience that everyone likes everyone one else? Although Adam and Eve seemed to like each other, there was that whole Cain and Able debacle so…….
    Whining, crying and complaining about peoples perceptions is asinine. Stop living up to stereotypes and start living up to potential, not just Africans but Americans in general. These are the messages that need to be preached over the pulpit not diatribes that further inflame and alienate.
    #23 NunyaB You are right on target. (and spellcheck is my personal friend ; )

  23. If you go take care of Murtha for Haditha, I go punch Westley Clarke for making a comment to Alan Combs that He had “heard” that war crimes were happened in Iraq on Fox News 3 years ago. You think a four Star General would know better.
    #41 – Posted by: OIFvet on April 30, 2008 09:37 AM
    Sounds like a good plan, but I was kind of saving my vacation days to launch a full scale civil war. What do you think of capturing them during the war and waterboarding them both?
    Semper Fi, Army

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