She Should Write Politics More

Since I’m lazy today, I’ll just refer you to what the lovely and talented SarahK wrote about Obama, religion, and guns. She doesn’t write political posts much, which is too bad since the few times she did them for IMAO they were quite popular. I remember one got a comment from an unobservant reader, “That’s the Frank J. I remember from before he got married.”


  1. Well it’s good to see that one of you two in the marriage has brains…and we’re not talkin’ bout FrankJ either! Excellent overview of Obama and his crack about us knuckle dragger rubes out here…

  2. After I got married, my siblings were all sitting around wondering how marriage would change me. Would I lose my ability to juggle, for instance?
    When they told my wife about their conversation, she said, “Well, now I can juggle perfectly!”

  3. Actually, SarahK was by far the best part of the podcasts. Those should come back, even if it’s just more Reviews with SarahK. My entire humvee was in convulsive laughter during some of those…

  4. Ok, so this is all fan input – from Jimmy, really (I know you’d rather have money input, Frank, but bear with me, OK? I’m an engineer – we’re not good risk takers). I just had my Friday night hot-steak sammich with a good ale and I’m serious now.
    You need guest writers to go along with Harvey and the occasional monkey from space and that wobbly duck (where ARE those guys?). As a regular reader, I’m recommending SarahK, Socrates, and seanmahair – if they’re interested. They would give you even more of a mix of talents and subjects and free you up a bit to build circuits in your cellar (or wherever you do that).
    Socrates has made enormous progress at being funny in ways that Greeks never thought of. He can also convincingly argue all of us right off our feet.
    seanmahair, the now-famous Irish-American grandmother (who’s actually younger than her daughters) is really a gift from high above with morals so admirable they make me blush.
    And SarahK is the snarkiest woman alive (right up there with the great Rachl Lukis.)
    So, from a loyal fan of all of 9 months, think about it. That’s it. Time for dessert.

  5. “That’s the Frank J. I remember from before he got married.”
    so… what you’re trying to say is that on their wedding night, she snipped them from whince they hung and tucked them neatly into her purse for safe keeping?
    or am i reading too much into this?

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