Superdelegate FAQ

Q. Why do the Democrats have superdelegates?
A. Democrats got burned by democracy in many previous elections, so they decided that after the long primary battle between Democratic candidates for the president, they’ll just go ahead and have their elites pick the winner.
Q. So why even have the primary process and not just have the superdelegates pick the winner?
A. The Democrats know they need to keep their voters busy or they might try thinking for themselves.
Q. The Democrats claim that the superdelegates only enhances the primary process. Is this true?
A. The stated purpose of the superdelegates is to make sure that the idiots who make up the Democrat base don’t nominate someone unelectable.
Q. Like Barack Obama?
A. Yep. Shiny new candidate all the dummies flock to while the elites deep down know he’s going to be a disaster.
Q. Plus, the Democrats don’t want the minorities to get all uppity.
A. Well that goes without saying.
Q. So who are the superdelegates?
A. They are the elites of the elites — the intelligentsia of the Democratic Party.
Q. White people!
A. Pretty much. While white men don’t actually vote for Democrats anymore, they still run the party.
Q. I don’t trust white people.
A. I’m not going to argue you should.

The inventor of the Democrats’ superdelegate system.

Q. So how does one get to be a superdelegate?
A. You have to work in the higher echelons of the party, laugh at religious people, and consistently underestimate middle America.
Q. And be white.
A. I didn’t say it.
Q. It’s time to take the party away from those honkeys!
A. Why is my questioner today a black militant?
Q. Shut up, cracker! I’m asking the questions!
A. Fine. Anymore questions?
Q. So is the superdelegate system pretty much assured to rip the Democratic Party apart?
A. Yes. You’d almost think some Republican operative came up with idea.
Q. Who did come up with it?
A. Someone named Rarl Kove. Is it just me, or does his mustache look fake?
Q. All I know is that he looks white, so you know he’s up to something!
A. You can say that again, brother.
Q. Don’t brother me, honkey!
A. Sorry.


  1. No, super delegates don’t care about street cred. They care about (1) Skin Color (2) Money
    Also since we mention skin color, and accused the democrats as being racist, that means we shall soon have someone here to accuse us of being racist bigots.

  2. I still think the party will be renamed to form a truerer resemblance to the electoral process we have. I am thinking Superattic Party, but that might have some draw a conclusion that they only let the white men behind the curtain out of storage every 4 years…

  3. As George Orwell said in Animal Farm, “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”
    On Fox & Friends they often have the guy who came up with the superdelegate system and humorously beat him up. I think deep down we are all grateful to him and to the democrats for taking their big tent and turning it into a three ring circus (Obamunists, Hillary Harpies, and superdelegates with their party hacks and super-donor we-bought-your-party-now-shut-up-Pelosi business). Too funny. And Jimmy Carter coming along in his mental clown car to chat with more terrorists just when the bloodletting was getting boring by repetition. I guess if you build a party on hate for 40 years, you have to expect this.

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