The Legend of Zelda the Movie?

Is this an extremely elaborate April Fools joke? If so, I have to applaud them for the commitment to not put in any obvious tells. I mean, they worked hard to make it seem just like how Hollywood would try and adapt that material.
But it’s a joke, right?

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  1. I was torn between being delighted at the idea of an LoZ movie (being part of the demographic that played the first game on the first console when it was the FIRST NES GAME WITH A SAVE FEATURE) and not wanting THAT LoZ movie because Link had no charisma whatsoever and the villain looked too silly for words. I’m glad it’s a prank, but I wouldn’t mind if it put a bug in someone’s ear…

  2. @Soul – That is not the same film. Did you watch the trailer? It was a completely different thing, unrelated to the fan-made film that was supposed to be released in 2006. This was an april fools joke that ign hired rainfall films to make for that purpose.

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