“This Country Is Full of What I Call ‘Bleeding-Heart Liberals’ Who I Guess Are Turned Off by the Idea of Torturing Monkeys for No Reason”

I have fond memories of the sketch comedy The State, but I think it only lasted a season or two on MTV.


  1. I must point out that many of the inhuman things mentioned on that news report — ignoring the monkeys, pretending they are dead, showing them pictures of other monkeys — are specifically disallowed by the Geneva Conventions. Or they ought to be.
    This is just like Abu Ghraib, in which Dick Chainy and Chimpy McBushitler did those things, and even worse, to innocent Iraqis. Well, not personally, but they had Yoo write a memo, which is the same thing. Not that Iraqis are like monkeys, really. Well, we’re all like monkeys, actually. So I guess Iraqis are monkeys, too.
    But still, vote Obama, who is not a monkey. Calling him a monkey would be racist.

  2. I’ve never seen this show, but I happen to know that a number of people involved in it went on to become actors and/or writers on “Reno 911!” Some of them were also involved in an earlier project called Viva Variety!, which I think was on Fox in the early ’90s but didn’t last long.

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