This Is Why We Love Liberals

Here’s a video interview of Harry Reid arguing that taxation is voluntary. Watch as he scrunches his dumb monkey face at the concept that anyone would think otherwise.
To be fair, though, taxation is about as voluntary as breathing.
(hat tip Hot Air)


  1. How do you even argue with someone like this? He simply refuses to accept reality. And some people still reject the notion that we are overdue for a new revolution! We need to revolt against the fools in both houses!

  2. Ok since taxes are voluntary all of you out there should email your representatives in Congress. Provide a link to the above video and your declaration that since taxes are voluntary, you volunteer NOT to pay any.
    Let’s see how fast ol’ Get’um the heck out Harry can back pedal.
    I think maybe the voters in Nevada are brain dead or maybe all the nuclear fallout has warped their minds. This man needs to be committed to a home for the hopelessly irrelevant.

  3. God I hate it when libs do this. Thay take a word, insert their hand and finger-f**k the definition until it suites what their trying to say…. Heres the bottom line, if you don’t pay taxes, you go to jail. sounds pretty “voluntary” to me.

  4. Is it “cheating” if you decide not to volunteer? I think his frustrated expression comes from wanting to get a banana BEFORE he answered the question directly. They do that sometimes, seen it at the zoo once.

  5. Taxes are voluntary… riiight, guess I forgot where I checked the “take my money straight from my check” box. Is completing a W4 voluntary?
    To not pay taxes is a criminal offense (a behavior proscribed by law).
    After reading the article… I was reminded of B Clinton questioning the definition of “is”.

  6. I would just like to mention that I deliberatly used the word “Failure” although one could argue I should have used the word “Refusal.” “Failure,” in a larger context, means it’s our duty to consent to be taxed and enslaved in this manner and failing to consent will soon be a crime also, regardless of whether or not you actually pay your taxes. Like a kind of hate crime, if you “hate” paying your taxes, you’re guilty of being anti-social.
    Can anyone tell me that day WON’T come under a socialist state?
    April Fools. Not.

  7. The book Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg, Look! It’s right there! 1 o’clock high! Anyway, the book is the second most scarey book I ever read. (First was The Gulag Archepelego). Saying taxation is voluntary is right out of the modern fascist playbook. I had a strong sense of Vuja Dei, (the sense that something has never happened before but will probably happen again!)

  8. Sure ‘taxation’ is voluntary…
    It’s the PAYING that’s mandatory.
    Freakin’ libtards and their ‘take from the rich, give to the poor’ fantasies!
    Newsflash: Robin Hood was a frikkin’ thief, not a hero.

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