Unreasonable Voter Burdens

The Supreme Court upheld requiring voters to present a photo ID, despite the Democratics saying it was an unreasonable burden on the voters and their compelling argument that such a restriction would have kept all the Founding Fathers from voting.
Democratics have many other objections to current voting law than just the photo ID, though.
10. Can’t urinate on the ballot.
9. Must be able to communicate in at least one language.
8. Can’t mug the person in front of you and still vote.
7. Must go to the voting booth instead of the other way around.
6. Can’t be a cat.
5. Must have pants.
4. Can’t vote twice.
3. Must be alive.
2. Must be a U.S. citizen.
And the number one thing the Democrat Party considers to be an unreasonable burden on voters…

Not allowed to commit voter fraud.

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  1. Yep, The restriction on dead people voting has always been particularly onerous for Illinois democrats. That is one change that the changeling will work for, no discriminating against the dead!

  2. I find it interesting that one of the points the democrats argued in front of the Supreme Court was that the Republicans wanted the ID law, therefore this was only partisan politics. Seriously. Several people with law degree’s thought that was a valid point.

  3. I remember my father being on the clean up after Chicago elections that purged thousands of dead voters and locations to vote from from the rolls. He would talk about how a dozen people were voting from a house that had been destroyed to make way for the ‘L’. Really upset all the Dems to lose those valued voters!

  4. Just another example of absolute nonsense. That this even reached the Supreme Court is insanity in itself. Where is the freaking hell did common sense go? Did I miss flyer announcing that common sense was leaving the building? You mean people are actually required to register to vote and then prove who they are before they can cast a vote? WTF! I wonder if the ruling stipulated that the ID had to be for the actual person presenting same? Or could it just be any ole ID? I also wonder if they defined what was considered a legitimate ID? Or did they just rule ID? It would be funny if this wasnt so damn sad.

  5. The Supreme Court upheld requiring voters to present a photo ID, despite the Democratics saying it was an unreasonable burden on the voters

    “Your Honor, I present to the Court that these ID cards are a literal burden. Our pansy-ass democratic voters lack the upper-body strength to carry the card all the way to the ballot booth.”

  6. How will you determine “land owners”? Would that be anybody that owns a house, or is there a minimum acreage requirement?
    #11 – Posted by: Michael R. on April 29, 2008 03:56 PM
    If you own something that is not readily mobile, like a house. Sure, you can move a house, but not easily. I am not clear on whether condo owners actually own the land their condo is on, but they do have a vested interest based on their property ownership. This makes them more likely to cast their votes responsibly.
    Now some might say that all citizens have a vested interest in the outcome of elections because they have to live with the results. But how much more vested are people when their treasure (property) is at stake? I think significantly. Poor choices in elections can not only destroy livelyhoods, it can decimate ones property. If you own nothing that is immovable, you can more easily pull up roots and move elsewhere and establish a new livelyhood, even if that means crossing international borders.
    That said, I was only half serious in the suggestion. In the end, individual votes seem to count less every election, especially in presidential primaries, which were not prescribed in the constitution anyway.
    Me take nap now, brain hurt.
    Semper Fi

  7. Other unreasonable voter burdens:
    – Terrorists not allowed to vote.
    – Votes cast by yokels in flyover country receive as much consideration as those of enlightened people who live on the coasts.
    – Republicans insist on counting votes instead of letting lawyers determine outcome of elections.
    – Black voters have to deal with debilitating effects of whitey-invented AIDS while voting.

  8. Echo5a,
    Thanks for the clarification. But does that mean that if one’s name isn’t on the deed, then that person can’t vote? That will disenfranchise many college students (like me).
    But that also means that many idiots at my college won’t be able to vote. Perhaps 2,000 fewer votes for Obama.

  9. Mississippi democrats like to bus in the convicts for election day. It’s kind of like an illegal field trip to exercise rights that have been taken away from them for being burdens on society.

  10. #12 – Posted by: echo5a on April 29, 2008 04:29 PM
    Big hole in your premise – Most Liberals own land, are filthy rich, and vote horribly, but there are many Conservatives who live in cheap rented housing and Trailer parks.

  11. Never mind the fact that “counting votes” is an obvious expression of patriarchal hegemony. What we need is a feminist method of counting, that takes into account the feelings of oppressed peoples instead of the hard numbers that are the epitome of rape. All you people who stick to the old “1, 2, 3…” method of counting are RAPISTS!!!!!
    Dang, writing that brought back memories. I used to take education classes.

  12. Let’s do modern intelligence tests to determine who can vote. You should be able to answer some random questions about the candidate you want to vote for.
    This would cause an up roar with the democrats, since Bill Richardson can’t even name a actual legislative accomplishment of Barry O. For McCain we can say several. McCain/Feingold, McCain/Lieberman, McCain/Kennedy… The Republicans might have a problem with this too.
    Side Question: Did we ever come up with a good name for mindless Obama supporters. I still think MSNBC will be struck with Barakholm Syndrome.

  13. I was under the impression that John McCain was just going to cast our votes on our behalf so we didn’t screw it up. After all, he keeps telling us how we’re all stupid and he’s the only one that knows what’s going on. He’s already beat down the 1st amendment, what’s a little thing like voting?

  14. Instead of being a property owner being a requirement to vote, how about you just have to be an actual taxpayer?! You can show your form 1040 and a photo ID and prove you actually contributed something to the country’s coffers…..THEN you get a say in how it’s spent!

  15. #21’s idea is the best. Adding to it:
    Only taxpayers vote, and those who get welfare checks are required to do community service for as long as they are on the public dole – their version of work for pay.
    Illegals get squwat (sp). Americans get nothing being “guests” in their country, America needs to return the favor.
    Felons and jailed prisoners in general should also be spending their days either doing community service or learning/working at a trade. No more TV, working out, or filing frivolous lawsuits.

  16. How about we make all the ballots write-in?
    That is, you receive no list of candidates along with your ballot. Just the name of the office with a blank space under it.
    This might be unfairly biased toward literate people.

  17. In the novel/movie Starship Troopers only volunteers for military service got full citizenship. They also got their choice of artifical limbs and prostetics, but hey, they got the vote (and CO-ED showers). Kill the Bugs! Punch the Hippies!

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