Why Are We Still Arguing This?

We have 39 states with right to carry. Right to carry has been around for decades. Yet, opponents of people being armed make the same stupid arguments speculating that arming people will cause “Wild West” shootouts and other crazy things.
I have a couple words for people still arguing against arming law-abiding citizens:
You’ve been saying the same thing for countless @#$% years every time some new law to allow gun rights is mentioned, and with 39 @#$% states with right to carry, you’d think that if your @#$% assumptions about how people will @#$% react when law-abiding citizens are armed had even the slightest basis in @#$% reality, you’d have tons of examples by now of this @#$% “Wild West” and people just randomly @#$% shooting each other that you seem to think will happen.
It’s over. No more arguing. 39 states. Nothing you have said has ever come true. You are wrong. Never ever speak on this issue again, as you’ve proven you’re completely retarded on it.
Just had to get that off my chest.

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  1. FrankJ-
    Respectfully, you of all people should know by now that asking anti-gun folks for data is futile. They are reacting emotionally rather than rationally, it is more like religous faith than a thought out position.
    You can reason with anti-gun nuts, of course you can reason with a pig as well, with similar results.

  2. I’d say shoot the fools, but then that would go more towards proving their point. Can we just stab them in the head with pruning shears? That might take the attention off gun owners and put it on gardeners instead.

  3. This stupidity gave me an idea for a blog article, and in doing some paltry research for it I got the DOJ’s latest violent crime statistics. Violent crime has plunged dramtically since 1975, with the steepest declines in the last 10-12 years. If armed citizens were so dangerous, especially since most of the new concealed carry laws went into effect during that time, where’s that huge spike of violence, gunophobes?

  4. The only “Example” I can think of is in October 26th,1881 in Tombstone Arizona. Early conservative family the Earp’s, with their buddy Doc Holiday, gunned down three deserving criminals at the O.K Corral.
    You could make the feeble argument that if the Clanton’s and the McLaury’s didn’t have guns then history might have gone a different route. Virgil gets kicked in the groin, Doc Holiday head butts Billy Clanton, but nobody dies, and nobody gets shot.
    In reality, the only travesty was it inspired Kevin Costner to sicken America with another crapy movie.

  5. That’s a lot of anger there, Frank. Maybe you should drink a quart of whiskey on the way to the gun range to help you calm down. Or, you could just fire randomly in the air like the Rich Texan from the Simpsons. He always seems happy.

  6. Perhaps you forgot the examples of Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois, Columbine, Jonesboro Arkansas, the list goes on and on.
    You’re welcome for being of service.
    [Those involved law-abiding citizens carrying firearms, you complete @#$% retard? I should ban people for being this @#$% stupid. -Ed.]

  7. Besides agreeing, the only thing I could add is that’s the finest cut-and-past of the letters “@#$%” and use of all-caps I’ve ever seen. Were you really yelling and swearing at the same time? Hmmm.

  8. Frank,
    You can ban people like #7 from being completely f*@#king retarded? Wouldn’t that be nice?
    Sanjaya, it was already illegal to have guns on those campuses you dipshit. All you did was prove Frank’s point. Idiot.

  9. Whoops. You’re talking about law abiding people being allowed to carry guns causing shootouts, while my examples all were of places people aren’t allowed to legally carry guns (and people were shot because of it). I was pretty much proving your point. I am a complete retard. I’ll try not to be so stupid in the future.

  10. We are still arguing this because
    1. Liberals never let the facts influence their hysteria
    2. We are still arguing evolution even thought not one monkey has evolved or been shown to evolve since Darwin came up with the stupid idea in the first place.
    3. We are still arguing that Jesus Christ actually existed. That Sodom and Ghommoria were destroyed by God and that Moses wasn’t high when he received the Ten Commandments (all of these I’ve seen reports on in the last two days)
    4. We’re still arguing which cola is better, who has the best fast food and who’s the hottest chick/rooster in the yard.
    Some people live to argue, others like Chis Matthews and Keith Oberman argue to live. Most of us just want other people to leave us alone and get off our backs so we can pursue happiness the way we want.
    Don’t let it get to you. They really love it when we’re upset, they think they’re winning. Of course they’re delusional but what else is new.

  11. I’m highly tempted to read this aloud into a camera and YouTube it… after massive bleepage to make it fit their Naughty Talk rules. ‘Course, it doesn’t help much for anyone who can read lips, but it does make the FCC feel better.

  12. Hand me the duct tape; my head is about to explode.
    Those FREAKS at that Washington Monthly site – have they even bothered to see that the Pizza Hut guy is thirty-fricking-eight years old and NOT an eighteen year old punk?????
    And even if he was. So frickin what. He was carrying a Legal Licensed Handgun.
    Why is there even an issue?
    My head is about to explode.

  13. We are still arguing it because Liberals always put effect before cause. They see racism and want to apply racial preferences. They see the Earth getting warmer and think it’s frigging bad. They learn that gasoline burns to a mix of carbon monoxide CO and carbon dioxide CO2 (which is a GREEN!HOUSE!GAS!), and they want to substitute ethanol, which takes as much fossil fuel to produce as it yields in fuel, and when it does finally burns to … CO2 (which is a GREEN!HOUSE!GAS!).
    They see high oil prices, high food prices caused by using perfectly good food to make bad fuel, a slow economy (in no small part because of high oil prices and high food prices), and want to raise taxes on oil to make the prices of both things even higher.
    They discover that kids are having sex, so they make a law saying you have to teach kids how to have sex.
    The cart before the stinking horse, every time. And the stinking horse stinks because of methane (which is a GREEN!HOUSE!GAS!).

  14. Sanjayrupta,
    The root cause of the examples you cite is that EVERY SINGLE ONE of those motherhumpers was a homicidal maniac.
    Would it salve your conscience if they waved machetes with both hands?
    When someone becomes a homicidal maniac your best hope is that a law abiding citizen armed for self defense is nearby.
    Homicidal maniacs will attack with guns, knives, rocks, bottles of ketchup, or whatever they can get their hands on.
    The human mind is a weapons system. Deprive EVERYONE one of those and you will be safe.
    Sleep tight. Armed men and women are willing to do violence to protect you tonight.

  15. Another concept most people need to wrap their little minds around is (gratuitous blog link:) leverage. Simply put, it’s the rapidly increasing ability of a small number of people, like 1, to control a vast amount of energy. Our technology has advanced beyond the point of keeping destructive force under wraps.
    We can’t control general access to destructive technologies, such as guns or thermonuclear bombs. Not that we dare not or ought not; we can’t. The knowledge is on the loose, and knowledge is all that’s needed for great destructive force.
    Unilateral disarmament, either of guns or of nukes, will only hurt us.
    All we can do is assure mutual destruction for those wanting to fully employ their leverage, such as the 9/11 bombers. But if someone is willing to die, there is just no way to stop them from doing any number of very destructive things.

  16. Calm down and back away from the keyboard.
    OK, The Wild West thing was silly. But the writer was not being anti-gun, just saying an employer should be able to restrict some rights. That may also be silly, but normal – especially since lawsuits may be involved. Like the guy a couple of years back who sued Cessna because the engine on his 27-year-old plane – not even made by Cessna and not under original 5-year warranty – failed.
    Now, the eedjuts who posted comments, they’re a different breed, of the sort who are why LGF is probably the only blog I regularly visit but never look at the comments.

  17. I remember when they were first considering concealed carry in Florida, there was more swooning among the state punditry than in a Victorian melodrama. It was going to be World War III, the Wild West, &ct. If memory serves, there were like 3 gun crimes committed by 39,000 permit holders the first year, or something similar.
    But hope springs eternal for liberals. Each time a gun law is repealed, the ghouls still gather and hope for a bloodbath. . .

  18. I would rather die than have another’s death on my conscience. Unlike you, I seem to realize that my life isn’t worth any more than the life of any other, and that it is the height of arrogance to claim it is. I support complete and utter disarmament of the populace.

  19. The question is: would you rather die by the hand of a madman killing scores of people while sticking your head in the sand, or to live and protect those people you claim to value so dearly by shooting the attacker in the face and live with the death on your conscience?
    I choose to shoot. I hold the lives of others above my own, and that is why I would shoot. Stop telling me the life of one is more important than the lives of many.

  20. Unlike S.P., my life is more valuable than yours. I follow what Jesus said in the 22nd chapter of Luke, “sell your cloak and buy a sidearm.” Actually Jesus said sword but I refuse to bring a knife to a gunfight. If you would rather die than protect others, go ahead and do it. Quit wasting valuable air that someone of more important may need.

  21. New Mexico is an open carry state. Also, after Richardson became Gov. he pushed for and got concealed carry here. I guess he knew he was going to piss off the Clintons some day and wanted to be prepared.

  22. I can’t read stuff like that link you posted, Frank. Seriously, I get so angry I want to pull out my teeth. How anyone could argue that it’d be better if the pizza guy had never defended himself is sickening. Sorry…I just don’t subscribe to the “well, it’s their money/product, but it’s your life; just give it up.” It’s Pizza Hut’s money, and they should be grateful he protected it, instead of firing his ass.

  23. I would rather die than have another’s death on my conscience. Unlike you, I seem to realize that my life isn’t worth any more than the life of any other, and that it is the height of arrogance to claim it is. I support complete and utter disarmament of the populace.

    Then move to the U.K. or Australia, you pansy.
    As long as I remain single, the fact is that there is no person on this earth, other than my mother, who is more important to me, than ME. Do I care if someone else dies? Sure. But if it’s you, or me, I’m going to choose myself anytime. And I GUARANTEE you my life is more important than some scumbag coming to rob me.

  24. SP,
    Some are vehemently against your stand; where I digress with your position is in this manner: You may choose not to carry a weapon or defend yourself in this manner. It is your right. Do not presume to infringe upon my right to carry a weapon and defend myself. I’ll even defend you. As a simple matter of course I already do this, every day, because I wear the green suit and have sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
    You may have your principled pacifism – I applaud your stance and wish you well. I will give my principled service, in and out of uniform, to defend your right to hold that opinion.
    And yes, it is hard to kill another human. It tears at the soul and leaves scars that will not heal on a free man’s conscience. But I will not disown those scars; they allowed me to continue, my men to continue, and my cause to be triumphant. Ultimately, my children live because I made that choice. I would die, would kill, would destroy a civilization to protect my wife and my children. And by the way, that means that I would die or would kill to protect you from madmen. It’s my job.
    You made your choice; leave me to mine.
    SGT Dave – “If you do not choose to fight for your rights, you are wholly dependent upon those who will fight for their rights to allow you to retain yours.”

  25. Our founding fathers wanted each of us armed if we so desired to control the powers of the state and for self protection. Crime was hardly at a level that it is today but people haven’t changed in 200 years! If you choose not to carry and are willing to assume the risk of putting your life in someone else’s hands…go for it! Just because one is packing does not mean he or she wishes to take another life! Far from it! It is defensive and to suggest otherwise is silly…but that’s what being a liberal weenie is all about. Here in Minnesota when we passed Conceal Carry the liberals screamed about blood in the streets…didn’t happen…ain’t going to happen!

  26. The simple truth is that most people are sheep… and most of us who choose to fight back against the wolves are sheepdogs.
    Sheep can in no way understand the concept of self-defense… it is simply not in their nature. Conversely, sheepdogs have a lot of trouble understanding how the sheep can just roll over so the wolves can get at their delicious underside.
    It’s just a matter of perspective… that’s all.
    Here’s an oldie, but goodie:
    Doctors vs Gunowners
    (A) The number of physicians in the U.S. Is 700,000.
    (B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.
    (C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171.
    Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services.
    Now think about this:
    (A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. Is 80,000,000. (Yes, that’s 80 million)
    (B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
    (C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188.
    Statistics courtesy of FBI
    So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
    Remember, ‘Guns don’t kill people, doctors do.’
    Facetious? Maybe… but only to the extent that this issue is too ridiculous to parody properly– since it is, in itself, a parody.
    Anti-gun people are, quite literally, a big *@#% joke.
    There… I feel better now.

  27. The really funny part? (in a “ha ha, you’re dead” sort of way)
    First, what was the Old West really like? It had places where guns were prevalent and people got shot for “dissing” others and innocents occasionally got caught in the crossfire.
    You know, like DC, Detroit and Chicago.
    So in other words, the gun grabbers have recreated the Old West, just as they keep promising.
    And that makes me laugh, mostly because I refuse to live in DC, I’ll take Virginia with its civilized gun laws.

  28. I would rather die than have another’s death on my conscience. Unlike you, I seem to realize that my life isn’t worth any more than the life of any other, and that it is the height of arrogance to claim it is. I support complete and utter disarmament of the populace.
    #24 – Posted by: Sanjayrupta Pravati on April 2, 2008 11:33 PM

    Good for you, but I personally believe that my life is worth more than the crackhead who is going to kill me over $20 and then move on to kill someone else or try to sell drugs to a child. I personally hope you don’t have to see the day when someone sticks a gun in your face to mug you and he doesn’t like the way you look at him so he kills you anyway.
    Good luck with that whole defenseless dying thing.
    My boyfriend is a cop and around our house we have this saying: Better to be judged by 12 than be carried by 6. Come home alive, even if you have to kill someone to do it.

  29. #24 Posted by SP………………
    What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone who reads your comment is now dumber for having done so. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

  30. “And I GUARANTEE you my life is more important than some scumbag coming to rob me.”
    Now what kind of scumbag-eliminator should a law-abiding, first-time prospective gun buyer get?

  31. When I first came to this country I had to live in a somewhat poor neighborhood (by American standards, better than what I had in India though) I was mugged twice. Neither criminal seemed like he had any interest in using his weapon after seeing my quick-to-satisfy attitude. One even stuck it back in his pocket when I said I was happy to give him my valuables.
    A good lesson is in there for you all. Resistance breeds violence, acceptance breeds respect.

  32. #39…
    Well, if your goal is to put a bowling ball sized hole in the back of said scum-bag I’d suggest the Smith & Wesson 500 Mag. with the 4″ barrell. The rounds are pricey, but you get a lot of bang for your buck (pun intended). I personally carry a Desert Eagle 9mm. Not much stopping power but the rounds are kinda cheap so target shooting wont break the bank….And if you shoot em’ in the head, the whole stopping power thing is kinda silly.

  33. #40, why the f&% would I want the respect of someone trying to take my hard earned $. I’m sorry that Great Britain beat the urge to resist out of your ancestors, but my ancestors took s&^% off no one and I won’t disgrace their struggles by evolving into so emo pu$$ that just rolls over. If living in a pacifist society was so great, return there.
    Frank, great post. It probably mirrored my feeling more closely then anything you’ve written. Keep it up

  34. “Educate your children to self-control, to the habit of holding passion and prejudice and evil tendencies subject to an upright and reasoning will, and you have done much to abolish misery from their future and crimes from society.”
    Benjamin Franklin
    “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
    Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
    I CAN NOT say it any better.

  35. #40 posted by SP…….
    You keep accepting,…I’ll keep resisting. This country was founded on resisting. We resisted the whole taxation without representation thing. Most americans are willing to fight for thier rights and not accept the will of criminals.

  36. A good lesson is in there for you all. Resistance breeds violence, acceptance breeds respect.
    Ok…we shouldn’t resist evil but accept it? We should have “accepted” Hitler killing 6,000,000 innocent civilians rather than “resisting” him? Law enforcement is no longer required since we shall all just submit to all the bad guys? C’mon! I understand India’s position…they will never lead anything with this attitude but here in America we resist evil…EVERYTIME! That’s what makes us a great country! If you wish to be a victim…that is your right but don’t expect the rest of us to play along because we have the right to defend ourselves guaranteed to us by our founding fathers!

  37. For #39 – 40 caliber or 45 caliber. Find one that fits right in your hand – not too big and not too small – you’ll know the right grip when you hold it. Also be aware you’ll want to keep it concealed so what clothing will you be wearing? Where will you hide it so it can stay hidden but still pulled immediately? Remember that seasons and temperatures change – most clothing is not used year-round.
    When you carry it, load it with SWAT team rounds – they’re very expensive (don’t do too much target practice with them – my .40 is about $3 per round) but are pre-fragmented which means they will stop a bad guy but if you miss, they won’t pass through a wall and still be a danger to the person in the next room. They also are lighter than regular rounds and that can make as much as one half pound difference while you carry.
    For #40, when all men are peaceful, we can all put our guns down. Until then, some men cannot or will not be reasoned with and they don’t have respect. I’m glad you got lucky and were able to stare them down. I do not take the chance that the baddie would not harm me or somebody else. If someone pulls a weapon on somebody with intent to harm innocence, my life is now worth more than his by definition.
    War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.
    – John Stuart Mill

  38. Also for Sanjayrupta Pravati.
    I’m not sure where I read it (I’m too lazy to Google it right now) but about 3 or 4 years ago I reaad an article that talked about John Lennon’s song Imagine.
    In the song, Lennon talks about what an idyllic Xanadu we would have if there were no heaven, no hell, no government, no religion, etc. Then, he mentions that it would be great if there were “…nothing to kill or die for…”
    The reason this hippie-happy-place doesn’t work is that if there is nothing to kill or die for, that means there is nothing to live for either. I love my freedom and would die for it but, more importantly, I will live for it also. I love my family, my country, my neighbors, and my religion, and would gladly die for them if it would help.
    Obviously, I would rather not die for these but if it were required, I would. More importantly, I would live for my family, my country, my religion, and my neighbors. When a bad guy shoots up a mall or mugs or rapes somebody, I have to protect my neighbor because I would live for them.
    I don’t practice vigilante justice. I have never been a part of a mob hunting down an alleged burglar. Most people who carry weapons will only use them to stop a crime in progress. Of course there are individuals who concealed carry who also commit crimes but once that happens, they will no longer be able to concealed carry.
    If I can, I will talk to the baddie before I pull my gun. I carry a flashlight (LED – VERY bright) and my wife carries pepper spray as non-lethal weapons to be tried before the pistol comes out. This is because the baddie is also my neighbor. (Parable of the Good Samaritan comes to mind) If I can stop him without violence, I can help him. Many people learn martial arts for the same reason. We try talking before the flashlight or pepper spray come out.
    But when the baddie won’t listen to reason (talking), won’t de-escalate from a light or pepper spray, our last option is lethal violence. And that last option is only an option if we have the weapon and the nerve to use it.

  39. We are also not a nation of KARMA…we are nation of laws. Either obey or you will deal with the citizens at some level! Confront me and you will deal with me directly and then we will let the authorities sort things out but I and my wife will remain safe!

  40. Funniest routine I’ve ever heard is Richard Pryor. “if I was hungry in India…I’d be out in the streets at 3:00AM with a 2X4 saying MOOOOO….MOOOOO” “We’d sort out the religous stuff in the morning…I’m hungry now!”

  41. “You know what else guns are good for? Shooting cows! You haven’t lived until you’ve had a grilled Brahma steak medium rare.
    In fact, you could say the taste is absolutely… divine.”
    I take great offence at this statement. That cow was my great grandmother. Eat Kobe beef instead to avenge the Rape of Nanking.

  42. I would rather die than have another’s death on my conscience. Unlike you, I seem to realize that my life isn’t worth any more than the life of any other, and that it is the height of arrogance to claim it is. I support complete and utter disarmament of the populace.
    #24 – Posted by: Sanjayrupta Pravati on April 2, 2008 11:33 PM

    Wow, that could have been a direct quote from Terry Goodkind’s Faith of the Fallen. The bad guys in that book are always saying crap like that. Of course, the bad guys are also a terrifying mix of jihadic religious dogma and Socialism. It’s the worst of both worlds!

  43. //The only “Example” I can think of is in October 26th,1881 in Tombstone Arizona. Early conservative family the Earp’s, with their buddy Doc Holiday, gunned down three deserving criminals at the O.K Corral. //
    Sanjay is no daisy. I’m betting this guy would also breath deep of The Pax and lay down.

  44. #40 A good lesson is in there for you all. Resistance breeds violence, acceptance breeds respect.
    If you think the criminals respected you, you do not understand the meaning of the word.
    What you did is pay the Danegeld, when everyone pays and no one resists we will never get rid of the Dane.

  45. I never understood the kids at Columbine who I thought to have been slaughtered by two cowards! The victims were actually being shown “respect” when they had their brains blown out while they lay on the floor defenseless! Or the kids at the University, again slaughtered by another coward…again shown respect by being murdered! Or the countless people daily gunned down by punks, gang bangers, creeps, drug dealers and other assorted dick heads who are being shown “respect” in their final minutes of life as they lay bleeding to death while some prick walks away with a few more bucks in his pocket!
    I shall go “un-respected” by such people. You want my respect? Earn it or suffer the consequences creep!

  46. SGT Dave – “If you do not choose to fight for your rights, you are wholly dependent upon those who will fight for their rights to allow you to retain yours.”
    #32 – Posted by: SGT Dave on April 3, 2008 03:39 AM
    Semper Fi, or Hooah, as the case may be! Marine vet, father of two U.S. Army soldiers. We will stand with you, Dave!
    #24 – Posted by: Sanjayrupta Pravati on April 2, 2008 11:33 PM
    I can accept the stance of the pacifist, I don’t admire it or ascribe any honor to it.

  47. Mr. AlanABQ, while your attempt to flame me is amusing, you undertook it without the proper knowledge. I am a Sikh (though many Sikhs are vegetarians) and have enjoyed the meat of the cow many times. I have even worked at a Wendy’s restaurant here in Minneapolis.
    And I see my lesson earlier was lost on you all. A pity, but enjoy your gunplay while you still can. Someday the United Nations will put a stop to it.

  48. Sanjayrupta,
    Who will disarm the populace? Homicidal maniacs?
    You forget that the human mind is a weapons system, so to disarm the populace you have to kill EVERYONE. Lobotomies might work; are you a doctor? If so, are you busy?

  49. “…enjoy your gunplay while you still can. Someday the United Nations will put a stop to it.”
    Hmm….. hmmphm… hhuuggmmmmm…….
    Oh, Lord… I really hurt myself on that one……….
    Whew… thanks, Sanjie… that was awesome!!!

  50. Texaspartan,
    That is harsh, I do not want my pruning shears covered in lib blood 😛
    SGT Dave,
    Thank you for your service.
    You are a moron. The UN can’t put a stop to muslims slauhtering Christians in Africa, can’t seem to stop pocketing the money intended to buy food for those countries who are experiencing shortages, and is infested with goons who want to play tea party with nuts like the president of Iran. You think for one second that ANYONE in the US will listen to them when they try to take our guns??? I think you will wind up with a lot of UN blowhards full of lead.

  51. In fact, there was a fatal incident in West Seattle involving two CCW permit holders: they had a traffic altercation, one drew on the other and the other drew his own weapon and fired, killing the guy who drew first. No charges were filed against the survivor, the idiot having received his just rewards was unavailable for prosecution.
    Seems to me that this occurred in the late 1980’s or early 90’s…I was actually in W. Seattle that day, but did not witness this event. AFAIK, this is the ONLY shooting incident involving two legal permit holders to have happened in the US since at least the close of the 19th century.
    Considering the number of states that have enacted CCW since then, and how often this SHOULD have happened (according to anti-2nd Amendment activists), I think it safe to call that incident an aberration.
    SGT Dave-

    … I would die, would kill, would destroy a civilization to protect my wife and my children. …

    I would note that it isn’t civilizations that you, I, and our children are threatened by: but barbarians. And sorry, but the lamentations of the Left notwithstanding, civilization trumps the alternative.

  52. Sorry everyone…he lives here in Mpls! He’s been reading the Red Star and Tribune for far too long and he actually believes the tripe that they print! We are, however, a Conceal/Carry State so SP is being protected by law abiding citizens who have his back while he walks around with his head firmly planted up his ass!

  53. //I have even worked at a Wendy’s restaurant here in Minneapolis.
    And I see my lesson earlier was lost on you all. A pity, but enjoy your gunplay while you still can. Someday the United Nations will put a stop to it.
    #65 – Posted by: Sanjayrupta Pravati on April 3, 2008 05:07 PM//
    Dude, all those Frosties have gotten to your head.

  54. #55 Mr. Ghandi, it’s no wonder you’re not in favor of firearms. So sir, have you stopped beating your wife yet?
    Wouldn’t want the little woman to be armed would we?

    Haven’t you seen UHF? the “Ghandi II” skit? Ghandi is a pimp, dude.
    OMG SP, you really stepped in it this time. The U.N. is going to disarm us? Muhahahaha. They can’t even disarm a bunch of African tribes with machetes. When they demand our guns, they’re only going to get bullets…used ones, at that.
    …and they’re going to find out that it’s a lot harder raping little girls, when Daddy is armed.

  55. #65 posted by SP
    I’ll be sure to check my mailbox for my “Please turn in your guns letter from the U.N.” The only thing the U.N is willing to do is run thier cock-holsters and write letters!!!!

  56. If UN “peacekeepers” fight as well when they come here as they did when they were told to protect civilians in Bosnia and Kosovo, we should be terrified – for them! Devil Dog alone could handle as many of them as the UN is capable of sending.
    And if the UN keeps behaving in the future as it has in the past, it should be more concerned with its own survival than about reaching out to deny Americans their God-given and Constitutionally-protected rights.

  57. Remember this phrase:
    If we outlaw guns, then only the Government will have guns. -Neil Boortz, ‘Someone’s Gotta Say It’
    If that prospect doesn’t frighten you, then you aren’t paying attention to the world around you.

  58. AlanABKQ: You are a bit of a jerk for using ad hominem attacks against Sanjay. You only showed your own ignorance. You fancy yourself clever because you are rude. But as the expression goes, “Every donkey likes to hear himself bray.”
    Sanjayrupta, don’t let all these jerky posters get you down. Not everyone who is against gun control acts without class. I’d be on your side any day.

  59. #82 posted by ??????
    When you and Sanjayrupta are through holding hands and singing Puff the Magic Dragon, dont forget to say a little thank you to the men who enabled you to have the freedom to do so…………and by the way, they did it with guns.

  60. About #82-
    Wow. An education in manners from someone rude enough to talk trash but afraid to leave a name…
    The only thing about that comment I didn’t find amusing was the donkey reference. To associate me with the Democrat party is truly a low blow.

  61. This is like the post that never ends…. It just goes on and on my friend. Now all of you have that song in your heads, Mhawahhahahhhahah.
    Alan some folks are just shy and insecure about signing their names. Of course the fact that they are anti-gun and pro- hippy kind of explains everything, don’t ya’ think.

  62. Thank you, Mr. Anonymous #82 for your kind words. But I know and accept that Americans do not like to have their opinions challenged, it makes them angry like Mohammad drawings make Pakistani terrorists angry.
    I did not believe this when I first came to America, my cousin who was already here and owned the convenience store told me to always agree with the customer because it enrages them to be disagreed with. I obeyed this even though I thought he was joking. But when I came on the internet I found it was true.
    Americans are strange people, but I have come to like them.

  63. “But I know and accept that Americans do not like to have their opinions challenged, it makes them angry like Mohammad drawings make Pakistani terrorists angry.”
    I think you’re exaggerating quite a bit here (not to mention stereotyping). When Americans have their opinions challenged, it does NOT make them angry like Mohammad drawings make Pakistani terrorists angry. Americans don’t riot in the streets, burn buildings, and kill over something as simple as an offensive cartoon.
    As far as agreeing with the customer, it’s just good business, regardless of nationality. A salesman once told me his interpretation of the adage “the customer is always right”. Most of the time, this is taken to mean “do whatever the customer asks of you”. His interpretation was that a salesman should not challenge statements the customer makes. By doing so, you risk upsetting or offending the customer and losing the sale. If a customer says the sky is green, then the sky is green, so long as it sells the car.
    As far as upsetting people here…. This country was founded upon the principle that people have inherent rights which are protected by the constitution. In making your case, you are proposing to take away one of these rights from the people based on your personal viewpoint on life. Putting it in perspective, if I didn’t believe in criticizing the government, it is not right for me to suggest that others should not be able to do so themselves. If I choose not to practice a religion, it is not right for me to suggest that others should not practice a religion themselves.
    You will find that most people will get upset (to various degrees) when you state that you wish for their rights to be taken away.

  64. In the old classic T.V. show. “All in the Family” Gloria, played by Sally Struthers, complained to Archie about the number of people injured or killed each year with handguns.
    Archie answered in his typical bravado, “Would it make you feel any better little girl if they was all thrown out of windows?!”
    “Law-abiding citizens” do NOT go on shooting sprees. They become criminals when they do that!
    Good Bye Charlton Heston, you will be sorely missed
    Semper Fidelis

  65. I don’t believe this SP guy is real. You made him up to stir people up and keep the thread going. No one could be as perfectly prissy/passive as this guy seems to be. Giving him a Indian sounding name and having him claim to work in a convenience store is too stereotypically ideal to be real. Just call him Napu and say the store is call a Quiky-Mart (aka The Simpsons). I salute you. It was maliciously inspired. A lot of good comments from the other commentors as well. Good effort.

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