Housing Sales Go Up!

Sold the house in Florida today — and barely for a huge amount less than we owed on it! I may still be jobless, but I’m not quite as pathetic anymore. In fact, I see this as an early indicator that the economy is about to surge into a new Golden Age.
And while it was disappointing to have to write a big check to sell our house, I feel that the peace of mind of non-home ownership is worth it.
So, for all those struggling right now, know that good times are just around the corner. It is America.


  1. I take it the bank was not interested in allowing you to short sale the house….
    [The way I figure, we agreed to a certain sized loan, so that’s what we pay back. -Ed.]

  2. That’s terrific! Hopefully our house is next. Why is it that when I read your post I started to hear a scratchy depression-era recording of the Casa Loma Orchestra playing “Happy Days are Here Again”. By the way, that song was recorded by the band on 10/29/29.

  3. So, for all those struggling right now, know that good times are just around the corner. It is America.
    Absolutely. Back in 1993, I had volunteered for a lay-off at my employer (they pretty much offered to pay me for the next nine months if I would just go away, which sounded like a pretty good deal to me), and I was working on a contract basis at a local firm, which shut down for the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. That meant that I was legally unemployed that week, so I went to the local unemployment office to file a claim, and ran into a former co-worker. He wanted to know what I thought about the local economy. My response was, “It’ll come back. Soon. There’s just too much entrepreneurial activity around here for things to stay like this. I don’t know what it will be that brings it back, but I know that it will come back.”
    A few years later, I and everybody else knew what it was that brought it back. It was a thing called the world-wide web.
    I took my first economics class nearly forty years ago, but the resilience of an economy based on free markets still amazes me.

  4. Cheer up. Many of us are a lot older than you and have never owned a house.
    [One thing I’ve found from being jobless and financially stressed is that I’ve lived a pretty cushy life and should count my blessings. -Ed.]

  5. My wife and I bought our fist home in Waterloo Iowa for 36,600 and sold it 15 years later. We had moved to Minneapolis and had rented it for 5 years. The market had gone south and we got 15,500 for the house and as a final kick in the balls we got to pay capital gains tax because we had been depreciating the house as rental property! Selling was a huge load off! Glad to hear you did the same Frank!

  6. Eep. I think I’d be crying if I had to sell my place for less than I paid for it. I guess it pays to live in the Baltimore-Washington corridor, where prices are only able to move in one direction. It’s like the elusive unipolar magnet or something.

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