Spur of the Moment Prediction

After President Bush leaves the White House, it won’t be very long until he’s universally well liked again. That includes you.


  1. I have never not liked Bush, and I don’t see him being out of office effect my not not liking him. I wouldn’t say I like him though. Too many policy mistakes. However, when I think about it, every policy he ever made, that I don’t agree with, were the ones designed to get people to like us.

    • No Child Left Behind.
      Dismal failure. His fault, his legacy.
    • Prescription Drug giveaway.
      He campaigned on it, and surprise!
    • Failing to use enough force in Iraq.
      By leaving a power vacuum when Saddam fell, he allowed the insurgents catch their breath and foreigners to come in. He and Rumsfeld should have known that we couldn’t hold a country the size of California with the number of troops they sent.
      And BushLied™: no WMDs.
      I don’t fault him for Iraq or for the small amount of WMDs that were found, but the above is the way I think historians are going to tell it.
    • Failing to kill Bin Laden
      Like it or not, Bush’s fault. I think it’s unimportant, because the War on Terror is about more than one guy, but the Democrats are going to push this one, especially if Bin Laden is killed or captured with a Democrat in the White House.
    • Torture!
      This meme will survive, with no small thanks owed to John McCain.
    • Katrina!
      This may also survive, even though hurricane response was constitutionally blocked by Governor Blanco (Democrat, LA).
  2. I have this nasty habit of liking Bush only when he gets pissed off and turns into a warrior. The Bush that took us to war was a Mensch. The Bush that failed to close Iraq’s borders and immediately rake it clean of all weapons and explosives was a Democrat. Also, Socratesian analysis is 100% right. (Wow, you and a few others are so pegging my Right-O-Meter these days. Unprecedented.)

  3. Somehow, if Barry O or Hillary take over, i’m imagining the US like that South Park episode where Officer Barbrady steps down because he doesn’t how to read. South Park starts to go to hell in a handbasket, and the people realize that it was really that earlier buffoon who was keeping the peace the whole time.

  4. What do you mean “when he is out of office”?
    Can’t you see that they are already setting up the camps?
    Soon after he will start rounding up anyone that mentions that he might need to leave office.
    But I’m not worried, I’m going to get me a job keeping all of you evil Bush haters locked up.
    Remember, when you look up at the tower, that will be me wearing those mirrored sunglasses. (all Cool Hand Luke like)
    It’s all going to be for your own good you know.
    I can’t see how anyone can complain about us not securing Iraqs boarder when we can’t secure our own.

  5. Well, he’s already well liked by the Saudi princes and the Chinese generals/mafia bosses. That’s a good start, right?
    No matter what the race or sex of the next prez, they’re going to have a heck of a time.
    When Republicans devalue the dollar and hike the debt and deficit in an unwinnable war, it always falls to fiscally responsible Dems to try to clean it up. If you’d listened to an adult president suggest a alternative energy campaign in 1977, maybe we wouldn’t be in thrall to the Gulf States right now.
    This used to be such a nice country before the Republicans had to come and mess everything up. Why do they think cowboys make good presidents? Why are they so scared of the real world?

  6. No matter who occupies the WH next, I expect that we will all long for the “good old days” of W. At least I always could understand(if not agree with) what he was trying to do. My father used to say that one of his principals of leadership was:
    “When in doubt, give an order. Even if its wrong it keeps the troops focused and the worst thing is for them to think that you don’t know what to do next, even if you don’t”

  7. Way, way. way off subject but since Frank hasn’t bit, I have to post this . I think these women must be under a spell cast by Karl “The Wizard” Rove. They are driving a stake through their own movement, cutting off the head and burying the body.

  8. I don’t think I will like GW after. Reagan was a conservative from the first to the last day in office. GW has never been one. I have never understood the war in Iraq and after 6 years I really don’t get it. He’s watched as the dems. have taken over congress and will watch as the republicans get slaughtered this fall. Hardly a legacy to be proud of. He’s following in his daddy’s foot steps…and I voted for him twice…sigh…

  9. The Media and the Communists who run America’s Public Mis-Education system will not let people rethink Bush’s terms of see the reality of what happens when he is gone and new faces implement “change”.
    Change is what the sheeple have been told they want and need and President Obama will bring it.
    For over 230 years America has been a Free, safe and prosperous country.
    THAT is all going to change soon, and forever.

  10. Cans commented in #7:
    I can’t see how anyone can complain about us not securing Iraqs boarder when we can’t secure our own.”
    perhaps in response to my comment in #5:
    The Bush that failed to close Iraq’s borders and immediately rake it clean of all weapons and explosives was a Democrat.”
    Update: I’m not complaining, Cans, just observing. Bush’s position on our borders is equally deplorable. The widespread belief that Republicans want open borders for cheap labor while the Democrats want them for votes is probably the observation that should be made. Neither reason is correct nor historically “Republican.”
    And our border situation actually has nothing to do with waging/winning a war in a foreign land. The first is a long-term domestic problem at home. The latter is simply war strategy that results in specific tactics to win.

  11. After President Bush leaves the White House, it won’t be very long until he’s universally well liked again.
    Not universally. There are still millions of Americans (well, not really Americans, but that’s what their passports say when they travel to visit their friends the Eurinals) who hate Ronald Reagan. I know several of them.

  12. #19 I wasn’t speaking of you Jimmy.
    I was making a direct point about Iraq, I was making a statement about the failure to secure our boarder when we attacked.
    But now that you mention it:
    We were attacked and failed to secure our own boarders, so how can anyone expect us to secure the boarders of a nation that we attacked? Hell we know that a large portion of the arms and fighters are coming across the Iraq / Iran border and still we have half-assed the response.

  13. Ok, I get your point, Cans. Yeah, I read that the Saudis are busting a button hoping we attack Iran’s insurgent training camps. The hold-up would seem to be the election. Maybe. I don’t know about Bush’s “strategery” any more. sigh

  14. I heard GW’s weekly radio address today. He mentioned his daughters’ wedding this weekend and then he talked about motherhood and how much he owed to his own mother. He thanked the mothers of America for their love and sacrifice and reminded us all to tell our mothers we love them this Mothers’ Day. How can you not love a big softy like that? Anyway, hate is a useless emotion. It hurts you more than it does the one you hate. You might wind up a bitter clinger.

  15. Unlikely in the extreme. The only thing I will like about Bush once he is out of office is the fact that he is out of office. 8 years of dumbassery filling the White House is plenty for me, there is no way the next prez could possibly be worse. I defy anyone to name 1 successful Bush initiative during the past 8 years. Do not include the war on terror, or on Iraq. Mission accomplished my ass. WMD my ass, my president my ass

  16. I am not a liberal-my presidential votes through my life-Reagan, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton (reaction to Bush 1), Clinton (economy was good), Gore ( i belived Bush 2 would be worse than Bush 1), Kerry (no chance I would vote for the idiot in chief after the fiasco of his 1st term). I usually want to vote republican, but not for a canidate so conservative they believe fire is a passing fad. I am leaning toward McCain-especially against Barry the buckethead

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