WE update

Volunteers are still stepping forward, and I’m still processing the virtual paperwork.
Meanwhile, some thoughts:
1) Terms associated with this project:
Operation ScreWE – getting me appointed a WeLeader.
WEtard – someone who actually believes and supports WE’s global warming nutjobbery. (Hat tip: Rubeus)
WEsistance – people who actively oppose the WE project
I of the WEsistance – someone who signs up for WE for purposes of ideological espionage.
WEsistance is facile” – proposed motto.
2) What is stage 2?:
Not sure yet, but I’d like it to be something that makes them squander their resources, which are time, money, and credibility. Anything we can do that makes them use these ineffectually is good.
But more importantly, the process has to be FUN. Yes, I hate these people and everything they believe and stand for, but in the end, I’m doing this for my own amusement and your entertainment.
3) When is the shirt coming?
The membership drive extends until May 30th, so I’m assuming they’ll hand out prizes sometime after that. Stage 2 will be something to do while we’re waiting.
More to come as I make it up.


  1. Stage 2,
    We somehow get Frank elected to head of We. Then again, they are a bunch of socialist, who probably don’t allow free elections.
    Still SturmWefuhrer Frank J does have a nice ring to it.

  2. Step 2: Tell them of the “kind bud” you have stashed in an abandoned warehouse.
    Wait for them to gather in said warehouse
    Step 3: Airstrikes, lots of airstrikes

  3. I would suggest for stage 2 we recommend they commission a studies for
    The effects on the ocean levels of all the snow and ice melting (including in those ‘frost free’ freezers that no longer work right or never really did).
    The exact temperature of the Sun and the estimated date that the earth surpasses this temperature.
    Determining a method to create a filter which will remove all carbon emissions from the atmosphere.
    Determine the amount of those little desiccant packages shipped with electronics gear that are needed to remove all unnecessary greenhouse vapors from the atmosphere.
    Determine the quantity and size of the carbon filter diapers needed to control all the bovine flatulence.
    Calculate the number of cork trees needed to seal off all the volcanoes spewing carbon emissions directly into the stratosphere.
    Create “credits” and “debits” coupons so that fools will buy and sell their carbon footprints coupons with real cash/gold. (Oh, that was already done.)
    (Of course, we will gladly perform these studies … for a nominal fee.)

  4. Didn’t I see Newt Gingrich and Nancy Pelosi sitting on a couch pushing this thing during a commercial at 2:00 in the morning while I was watching WEC wreckage. Why doe the tune “Let’s do the Time Warp again” keep going through my head.

  5. #13 –
    WE = Women’s Entertainment, Wacko Environmentalists(TM Someone at IMAO)…same diff.
    Good stuff Harvey et al, for our new terminology. Thanks for the update. This is gonna be fun!

  6. Stage 2 = something that makes them squander their resources, which are time, money, and credibility
    Adding: Not only squander theirs, but adds to ours. IOW, a GW “facile” takeover! (but “hostile” if need be)

  7. Question:
    I signed up, got the referal link, filled everything out… and then never got anything back…
    Does that mean my persona wasn’t believable by their screeners?

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