Reasons For Obama’s Victory

Yes, Obama wins… but WHY?
I speculate thusly:

Two – count ’em – TWO halos!
  • I inhaled… frequently“.
  • His uncanny ability to tap into white people’s secret hatred of white people.
  • Winning candidate in 30 of the 57 state primaries.
  • What am I trying to tell you? That Obama can dodge bullets like Hillary? No… what I’m telling you is that when he’s ready… he won’t have to.
  • Y chromosome, baby.
  • Has a middle name sounds like a dead dictator, not a dead princess.
  • Say what you will about his choice of minister, but at least Obama’s proven to America that he can walk into a church without bursting into flame.
  • Demonstrated willingness to speak to America’s fallen heroes.
  • People thought they were voting for Dave Chappelle.
  • Not married to Bill

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  1. ** Because HE doesn’t look like Assy McGee when his makeup is off.
    ** He can pee standing up, even though he chooses not to.
    ** The esteemed Fred Thompson chose to show mercy on him and allow the dems to destroy themselves with this schmekelpants.

  2. Panhandlers overwhelmingly voted for change
    secured the drug user vote with hopeium
    Voters didnt want to end up under his bus with his grammy
    He will pay off our national debt quicker with 57 states paying

    • He can play basketball better that Hillary.
    • Utilizes the best of both worlds: Pork ribs cooked in a Merlot sauce!
    • Almost certainly has a Johnson larger than Hillary’s, but no one really wants to confirm that.
    • He’s the only candidate who can correctly interpret Snoop Dogg’s -izzle speech.
  3. *Satan already has Hillary’s soul.
    *Obama’s skin color helped hide him at night, when Hillary’s ninjas came looking for him.
    *The Room Temperature IQ (in Celsius) Coalition was surprisingly effective with extreme-left Democrats.
    *The Iranians don’t just make centrifuges, they also make voting machines.
    *Oddly enough, Marxist, racist, America-hating ignoramuses constitute a large portion of the Democrat Party.

    • Keith Olberwoman pronounced everyone else worse.
    • Chris Matthews kept having leg orgasms (Obasms) on TV which attracted the girls.
    • Al Gore released his Gorebasm video: An Incovenient Candidate (why not to vote for Hillary)
    • John Edwards took his eyes of BO’s balls and paid too much attention to his own hair. (I’d used the word “faggot” but Ann Coulter already went to therapy.)
    • IMAO bought and paid for Hillary’s demise!! Just ask ussjimmycarter!!
  4. ‘The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months.’ Rev. 13:5
    42 months. Does that count start from his election to the senate, from the announcement of his intention to run for POTUS, from the end of the convention in Denver, or from his swearing in as POTUS?
    ‘Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?’ Math. 11:3

    • correctly offered both hope AND change to a populace used to just hope, change, or some horrible mix of the two.
    • use of holy water and garlic in the debates with Hilary neutralized her power
    • Voters enjoyed the fact that the kid from Webster grew up and had made something of himself
    • Michelle Obama threatened the destroy the America she hates if we crackers didn’t vote for Obama
    • Fred Thompson’s world hippie whupass tour was on its international leg (take that, France)
    • Worries about John McCain’s paleness caused Democrats to veer sharply the other way to distinguish themselves
    • The 19th amendment
    • I guess amendments 13-15 too
    • Promise in Chicago to rename America “Cracker Barrel” also plays well in the South
    • People forgot the devil can quote scripture to suit his own purposes.
    • Played the “Chope” card; what else could HRC do against that?
    • Hyped up the race card…whichever one he cleaves to at the time.
    • Gives speeches like MLK, Jr. with a severe nasal infection.
    • Addressed that whole clingy-ness issue you stupid-ass honkies have when it comes to guns & personal religious convictions. And privacy.
    • It only took him twenty years to realize that Jerry Write was a complete douche; Hillary apparently didn’t realize that about her totem idiot (Bill) until she officially decided to run for POTUS- and they were married in ’75! That’s about five years longer than BO’s “spiritual guidance counselor” relationship with Jerry…
      Clearly, Barry’s waaaay more observant.
  5. Obama wins because most Americans are apathetic, narcissistic, voyeurs who would rather watch some one do something than do it themselves. They lie, cheat, steal, abuse one another and themselves. They have children they won’t parent and parents they won’t care for. They claim to believe in God and then go out of their way to show their distain and disgust for his standards. Their language is crude, rude and vulgar and their lives are empty, sad and depressing. Don’t believe me, tune into any major network and simply watch the commercials.
    They would rather HOPE FOR CHANGE, than work for change. They would rather blame everyone else for their choices than take responsibility for them. Most of all they refuse to accept that they are NOT the one in charge of the weather, the planet and the universe.
    They don’t believe and that, as Yoda said, is why they fail.
    (And yes, today I hate people as a species. But I’ll get over it, I always do)

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