I Just Noticed Something

Barack Obama doesn’t look like the presidents on the dollar bills. We should not vote for him because of that.


  1. Also, Obama has a funny name. You shouldn’t vote for people with funny names. Rutherford B. Hayes should have never been elected. Look at all the harm he did to this country just because of his funny name!

  2. Barak Osamabama looks like Curious George. Does that mean we need to find the “Man in the Yellow Hat” to come and take him away?
    For those of you offended by this see Ludicris’ latest piece of trash. I dare you to find this as offensive as that. Not only does he savage McCain but Hitlery and the Revvverend Jackson as well. Their starting to eat their own. What fun!

  3. #6 – Posted by: Suopcan on July 31, 2008 11:55 PM
    Then McCain’s your guy! He’ll nuke anyone who interrupts his afternoon nap!
    Meanwhile in Hopeyland, Obama thinks nukes are “dangerous”. Bah!

  4. #7:
    Joe McCarthy is a personal hero of mine. He tried to warn this country that communists were infiltrating in order to gradually impose their beliefs on our culture through Hollywood and legislation in an attempt to overtake our country without firing a shot. So, where was he wrong?
    PS: His terrible crime against humanity was asking suspected communists if they were really communists.

  5. #22 – Son of Bob. Right On!
    Joe McCarthy wasn’t the only one to notice what was going on but he sure brought it out of the shadows!
    He made it ‘unpopular’ to be a communist, and the elitist left has never forgiven him for it!
    Put Him on the $20 dollar bill, I never really liked Jackson.

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