Membership Has Its Privleges

Since the WEtards put me ahead of the curve on this news item, I thought I’d toss out a spoiler:

Something important is happening tomorrow.
In a speech in Washington, DC, Nobel Laureate and Former Vice President Al Gore will issue a major challenge, essentially pressing the “reset” button on how we think about energy and climate, and how we can create prosperity in America.
His speech will generate a great deal of attention. Since you are a We campaign member, we wanted to make sure you heard about it in advance. We’ll email you when we’ve posted the video highlights, action steps and other resources — so stay tuned for breaking news!

In the interests of accuracy, shouldn’t Gore’s description also include the phrases “Oscar winner”, “limousine liberal” and “presidential also-ran”?
Tangentially, I had no idea that WEtards came with a “reset” button. If I press it, can I make them stop proselytizing for their bizarre religious cult?
As for creating prosperity, does this mean Al Gore FINALLY cracked the cover on that copy of The Capitalist Manifesto I sent him?
Great news, if true. I can’t wait for the speech.
In other WEtard news, 6 weeks after their membership contest ended, I finally got my WEshirt. Size XL, organic cotton, WE logo placed like a central third breast sans nipple, and their website URL on the back.
Plus two WE stickers and 4 WE buttons.
But what to do with it?
I’m torn between holding some sort of reader “What I would do with WE logo merchandise” short essay contest, and auctioning the stuff off and donating the proceeds to some sort of charity that produces a large carbon footprint (like the US Military).
I’m very open to suggestions at this point.

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  1. Having nothing better to do I was messing around
    on the internet The entry for the WE book seem to fit democraps and the WE farce It seemed kind of funny.
    Dystopian society
    The dystopian society depicted in We is called the One State,[3] a glass city led by the Benefactor[5] and surrounded by a giant Green Wall to separate the citizens from nature. Citizens are all given names based on a combination of letters and numbers. All citizens are known as “numbers”.[6]
    Totalitarianism, Communism, and Empire
    The Benefactor is the equivalent of Big Brother, but unlike his Orwellian equivalent, the Benefactor is actually confirmed to exist when D-503 has an encounter with him. An “election” is held every year on Unanimity Day, but the outcome is always known beforehand, with the Benefactor unanimously being re-elected each year.

  2. I would not wear the shirt.
    I would not wear the buttons.
    If Al Gore showed up at my house I might stick the stickers somewhere….
    Actually, I would send them all to a liberal charity like the “Armed Lesbians of Ann Arbor” and then take a tax write-off.

  3. “First.
    Here’s my 14-word essay: I’d wear the shirt, wear the buttons, and stick the stickers somewhere. Thank you.”
    #2 – Posted by: SoupCan on July 16, 2008 10:23 PM
    First. The mark of an idiot, especially considering he wasn’t first.
    Anyway, I would wear the shirt, with some revisions. Well if I could find a permanent marker….

  4. Something important is happening tomorrow.
    In a speech in Washington, DC, Nobel Laureate and Former Vice President Al Gore will issue a major challenge, essentially pressing the “reset” button on how we think about energy and climate
    I have advance video of it.

  5. Reset button, eh? Maybe he’s finally going to admit the truth…that the planet is actually cooling. Therefore we need to start burning more stuff and eating meat. I wonder if he will then get the UN to implement a tax on poor third world countries that aren’t burning enough stuff and eating enough meat.
    “The planet has hypothermia…”

  6. I would like to see a picture of the shirt.
    I think the best that could be done is to wear it to enviro protest with a BIG sign that says,
    “We will keep Gas Prices High to fight Global Warming”.
    People need to know why gas is high.

  7. You should pass the shirt around to a bunch of you friends and have them each get their picture taken doing something very un-WE.
    For example they could get their picture taken filling up a Cadillac Escalade, buying incandescing light bulbs, eating at McDonalds…etc.
    Then, when the pictures are posted it will look like a bunch of different random WE-tards all doing reprehensible things. Or you can pass out individual pictures to WEsistance members and have them send them in to WE central planning committee and complain about the bad behavior of other WE people.

  8. Pig roast. The kind where you put a whole pig in the ground. You get the carbon footprint from raising the pig. You get to offend the WE members who think that meat is murder. You get the carbon footprint from roasting the pig. You get the carbon footprint from all the folks who drive the the pig roast. You get the carbon footprint from all the farts that occur after the eating. You get the carbon dioxide from the beer.
    And it tastes wonderful.

  9. We certainly need to see pics of that shirt. Are there any Code Pinkos where you live? If so, you could drive to a protest in an SUV, eat a McDonalds burger, and carry a sign that says something like, “Bush lied – people died – he should tell more lies” or “Waterboarding is torture – let’s use the Iron Maiden” or something. And we will need lots of pictures – kind of a “Heeb on the Hajj” sort of thing.

  10. I like carbon. Life itself IS a carbon footprint. I mean, without the benzene ring, where would WE be? On Jupiter? Actually, the ultimate carbon planet is Triton. That body exudes carbon and is damn proud of it. Don’t know if there are pigs on Triton, though. But pigs are good. It’s all good. Carbon pigs, that is.

  11. and donating the proceeds to some sort of charity that produces a large carbon footprint (like the US Military).
    Wait a second. There’s a way to donate directly to the US Military, and not through the general fund->Pentagon route that inevitably reroutes taxpayer dollars to less worthy endeavours???
    Why haven’t we heard about this before, and where is the link to their Paypal donation page?

  12. Buttons: Plunge the needle end into the bicycle tire of a member of Critical Mass; that way, the WE logo points outward…perhaps it will start a war between hippie groups.
    Stickers: give them to a big rig truck driver. Affix them just under the end of their “stacks” (upright exhaust pipes), so they are seen next to where all that black bellows.
    Shirt: I don’t know. I was about to suggest giving it to the ugliest, most foul smelling bum you can find, but even that person has a more pleasant body oder and hygiene than your average hippie WEtard.

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