Mission Accomplished?

So, did we win in Iraq? Is it to the point where, empty campaign promises aside, even Obama can’t screw it up?
If that’s true, that’s not only a victory over terrorists — who it was never any doubt our military could defeat — but over whiny Americans who don’t have any respect for war or patriotism. It’s pretty odd that our military has gotten so good that no one out there can even stand up against them so instead American take it upon themselves to be the foils, attacking our forces from a more psychological angle. It seemed so effective after Vietnam, but it looks like the whining may not be enough this time.
If they’re war against our military is truly lost in Iraq, do you think they’ll turn on Afghanistan? If you remember, liberals starting calling “quagmire” about a week or so into it before getting distracted by other things. It will probably make a difference whether it’s a Democrat or Republican president when the focus changes, but violent pacifists gotta mindlessly oppose something.
I think the way to defend against this in the future is to simply not tell liberals about a war. We would never except any contributions from them, so there’s no reason why we tell them. And they probably don’t know anyone in the military to find out there’s a war on. We can then tell them after the job is done, because post-war whining is inconsequential. The enemy is already dead and can’t get encouragement from it.


  1. That’s an excellent idea, Frnak. “Hey guys, some little country got uppity a few months ago. We sent the Army and the Marines and the uppity ones are all dead now. The civilian populace is learning how democracy and capitalism work. Our boys are home now drinking beer. You may cry and pout, if you so wish. Thatisall.”

  2. If even the Associated Press is forced to admit that the surge worked, violence is at a 4 year low, the Iraqi government has stabilized and now today that Al Qaeda in Iraq are now “furtive terrorists” (not even insurgents anymore) that don’t matter, then yeah, I’d say we won. Of course, that’s what the UK Times said a week or so ago, Michael Yon said last week, etc… but who listens to them?
    OTOH, Obama still doesn’t believe the surge is working. Idjit.

  3. Great, Now let’s bring our troops home. But on the way lets have them stop in Sudan, Zimbabwe, Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Vietnam, North Korea, Nintendo Headquarters, Bolivia, the Gas station for a gallon of milk, Venezuela, Cuba, Berkley, and then to New York for the Welcome home Parade where the Democrats will prostrate themselves at our troops feet and thank the military for making a better world than Socialism ever could.
    See folks, War Is the Answer!!

  4. Yes! We won way back when we did our cake walk into Baghdad in ’03. Ok, it wasn’t a cake walk, but compared to other wars… We should have come home then, or moved on to the next target. Instead, we hung out in Iraq under rules of engagement that made targets of our guys. Iraq is beginning to say they can take the reigns. I say we make our declaration of victory, and begin consolidating our forces on the Kuwait border for the exodus. Let our Navy and Marine pilots fly close air support as the ground forces leave. We can watch from a distance, ready to run up and slap them on the back of the head if necessary.
    All those years ago Sun Tzu said; Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the state will not be equal to the strain.
    There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.

  5. I hereby nominate echo5a (#6) for Commander in Chief, contingent on his agreement to implement Frank’s batshit-crazy-with-my-finger-on-the-button intimidation policy for whirled peas, abolish the income tax, legalize drugs, nominate Ann Coulter to the Supreme Court, and perform the chicken dance at his inauguration.
    On to the important topic. I second AlaskaNick’s (#4 and 5) interrogatory. Come on Frank – sacrifice some more of your time to amuse us. Thanks.

  6. hcg,
    You couldn’t get me to take that job. I would just get pissed and do something stupid which could get us all killed, or even worse, reprimanded. We need a more level headed CIC. Maybe fire team or squad leader, but CIC, F that! Hey! I just exercised some restraint! I didn’t spell out the whole word! Maybe I could… Naw, F that!

  7. Don’t tell the libs we’re drilling in ANWR, don’t tell them we just fought another war… There are lots of good things we could accomplish if we could keep the libtards out of the loop!
    We could end Malaria in the tropics if we didn’t tell the ‘Silent Spring’aphobes we were spraying the swamps with DDT.
    We could bring AIDs under control in Africa if we didn’t tell the Heterophobes we were teaching safe sex, marital fidelity and abstainance to the natives, along with close supervision by Doctors With Guns of the actual vacinations and treatment of the afflicted.
    We could increase food production, reduce fuel usage and increase habitable living room for mankind if we didn’t tell the We-tards we were moving Antartica out from under the South Pole, one barge load at a time and rebuilding it in mid Pacific, so we could have a break on those long flights to Australia and New Zealand. 22 hours on a jet is murder!
    We could end the genocide in Darphur if we didn’t tell the state department weeners that we’d just de-orbited an old Soviet weather satelite (aka ‘Space Cowboys’) on the presidential palace during a press conference. “We are experiencing technical difficulties – please stand by”.
    We could save billions of dollars annually and improve the condition of life worldwide if we announced that we were fumigating the UN building in New York for cooties, hermetically sealed the building in rip proof plastic, pumped in the poison gas, and forgot to tell the diplomats.
    The mind boggles!

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