Operation Needs More PC – Part 1

Some Operation Needs More PC suggestions for your reading pleasure. Actual authors may claim credit in the comments if they choose.
You may safely assume that all typos were intentional.

Wow! Finally a moveent that I can get on board with. I love the way that you have taken the FACTS of Global Warming and put them in one location. Keep up the GREAT work!
I do have a concern about our logo. It may be working against our cause. I’m afraid that it may be offensive to other nursing mothers, the same as it was to me. Producing milk for young is a service provided by all femail mammals and it should not be mocked in our logo.
I realize this was PROBABLY not on purpose. BUt I asked a friend and she saw the exact same thing I did. Her boyfriend saw it too. Becauise of this one issue they refused to join WE. (I was hoping they might start recycling)
The form of a nursing mother is not a beautirful thing and its shameful to portray her as having utters. Nursing mothers are not the “cows of people” WE are people.
I don’t know how big a deal it is to change a logo… maybe just show it less on the site?? Or just put points on the “W” (like this one)
Hope this is helpful and shows Even Nursing mothers they can be part of the solution.
Naturally yours,

Dear WE,
I love this site. It’s so Great to have a site that’s my one stop shop for all my environmental solutions and questions. This place gives all of us who desire action on the most pressing issue of our day a forum to solve problems.
My extensive use of your site does give me a problem. Where are the Afrocan Americans? Where are the Asian Americans, Where are the Native Americans. Every single modle I see in your pictures are white, from story pictures to the models for your shirts. It saddens me to think how someone who has had to grow up in white bread America would come to your web site, look at it and think. “I can’t be apart of the solution for global warming. I don’t see any pictures of other Escamoes here.”
I’m sure there are other people working for WE that aren’t white. You can take a picture of them and throw it on the site. Or you guy have got to be good with computers. How about Photoshoping a picture of one of your models (Obvously don’t do one of Al. He’s way too famous to do that). If you need to, I have lots of African American, Mexican American, Native Americans here in my home town of Pitcher, Ok. I could take some pictures of them and you could put them on the site for diversity. Email me back if you want me too.
Thanks for hearing my thoughts. I want to help out any way I can.
“WE will get by, WE will Survive” Jerry Garcia- Touch of Gray
Pitcher, Oklahoma

Dear WE:
I think its great that someone is finally thinking about our children and doing something to get Mother Gaia back to the right temperature.
I’m concerned, howver, that WE are not setting a right example for those who are trying to learn the proper way to live in an ecological world. The WE site uses a predominately white color scheme, which means that all of the WE site viewers are using screens that have active “white” pixles. This raises two concerns for me:
1. I think this is an implicitly racial undertone, and could potentially be offensive for persons of non-whiteness. A nice mocha color scheme in the site will by much more racially sensitive.
2. White pixles use much more power when being viewed, which contributes to the very global doom that WE’re trying to prevent! A dark color scheme would use less power and therefore reduce global temperatures.
Please check the background of whoever’s making your Web site, as they may be working for the Rethugs. I look forward to your prompt action,
Yours in Gaia (PBUH)
Percy Dovetonsils

Like those? Say so.
Think you can do better? Then do so.
Submit your Operation Needs More PC suggestion for improving WE’s insensitive web site to the WEtard contact page, then send a copy to me at WEsistance@gmail.com for possible future publication at IMAO (if it doesn’t suck too terribly bad).


  1. I love this stuff! I’d suggest you mix it up a little, though. I wonder how many suggestions they’re getting and if they’ll notice a whole bunch of PC junk coming in all at once. I’m sorry I haven’t contributed yet. I’ll rectify that shortly.

  2. Sent this one today. I love sending these things.
    Subject: WE want to donate to WE… but WE need a few things to change first.
    Dear WE,
    Im absolutely exstatic about the fact that this site is finally doing something about our failing planet. When I first saw one of the WE commercials on tv I ran outside of my dorm and started screaming “WE can solve it!” at randem people. You should have seen the looks on all the of faces. They were all like “what can WE solve?” Ha ha. It was so awesome. I feel like I won the lottery. I aslo started a charity organiszation on campis to collect money to send to WE. So far WE have collected a pretty good amount. Sorry I havent sent in the money yet, but we jsut want to make certain absoltuely that our demands are met before we give any money to WE.
    Which brings me to our demansds. My roomates and I have discused severl items which WE believe WE should change before WE donate the money that WE have gathered.
    1. There is too much GREEN on the website. I understand that WE wants to coonstantly remind people to be eco-friendly… but does the colour green really say eco-friendly? We’re not talking about deforestation here… we’re talking about Global Warming. What causes global warming? Polution. What colour do we miss when there is polution? THE COULOR BLUE OF COURSE! THE COULOUR OF THE SKY! Before WE donate to the organization WE demand that the WE symbol be changed from green to blue. Also, just a sidebar, there are a lot of people here at Berkley who are torn between Obama and Nader. But Nader is a part of the the green party. So WE’s focus should not be on going GREEN so much as going blue, because going green brings up green party conotations and subconsciously encourages people to abandon the democratic party for the green party. Plus going blue conotates what? The DEMOCRATIC PARTY! DUH! How much more perfect does it get. If WE really wants Obama to win, which I’m sure it does (I know you guys say you are ojbective but let’s get real here… WE’re not stupid…) then you should calm down with the whole GREEN thing.
    2. Another thing. On your website, you have 4 models. WE have noticed that next to the moedol you list the person’s name and the palce they are from. ALL 4 PEOPLE ARE FROM THE SOUTH! The closest place any of the models live in to a non-southern state is Kentucky. If you really want to appeal across the board stop pandering to those rednecks. They don’t care about the earth in the south anyway. WE should show REAL earth supporters on the website. That’s why the second demand that WE are making is that WE be allowed to replace your current models. WE’re all very good-looking and WE look like typical environmentalists, rather than a bunmch of soccer moms and dmv workers. Also, our locations will accurately reflect where real environmentalists live, since I am from Berkely, and my other roomates are from San Fran, Portland, and Weed. WE’ll even wear our blue Obama change shirts to pound the sublimininal messaging in further.
    Those are our primary demands. If WE think of anymore, WE will let you know. Please make those small changes and WE will send in our donation (which is rather sizeable). WE look forward to working with you!
    Frankie, Jake, Carlos, and Asad

  3. Side note: Pitcher Oklahoma is home to one of the worst supperfund sites in America. The place is almost unlivable (Literaly). Two months ago half the town was leveled by a tornado, Pretty much no one lives there now. I would think that someone who is so wrapped up in the envrioment would notice the name. So far no.

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