Time for Some Campaigning

If you haven’t seen the latest JibJab video, I say it’s the best since their first. I love the part with the unicorn.
Almost enough to get you excited for this presidential election. Almost.


  1. From a conservative POV, I actually thought it leaned a little toward McCain.
    The Obamination was portrayed as a complete light weight twit, while the McCain part emphasized the two things conservatives like about McCain –
    His position on the war on terror
    (assuming he picks a good VP) that he is old and may need to be replaced.

  2. Brian TA, yes, from a conservative point of view those would be good things. From a liberal pov though, that is what they hate. And we look at the lightweight O’ and laugh, and they look and faint.

  3. Since we’re talking about campaigning this is one of the guys that needs to go to Washington. If for nothing else than his ability to call a moron a moron.
    // Romney, on “The Today Show” on Friday, said that Obama will stick to his support for a U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq regardless of the advice he’ll get from U.S. generals.
    “My guess is he’ll say, ‘Don’t confuse me with the facts. My mind is already made up,'” Romney said. “He’s already said what he’d do without the benefit of speaking to Gen. [David] Petraeus and to leaders on the ground there. John McCain is saying, look, his goal is to get all of our troops out by the end of his first term that are in a combat setting, and he’s going to get that done, but he’s not going to do it based upon some artificial political timetable.”//
    If McCain is smart he will bring Mitt on board and make Ann Coulter press secretary. Helen Thomas’ head will explode. What fun. Hee hee.

  4. That was awesome. I loved the commie-esque “Hillary 2012” posters. Heck, the whole thing was great.
    Oh, and I totally agree with Frank,

    Almost enough to get you excited for this presidential election. Almost.

  5. Frank. The jobjab Election 2008 SUCKS!
    It Sucked.
    It’s Lame
    My cat could have done better.
    compared to This Land, scoring a 10 – Election 2008 scores a minus 11000 on the obama scale.
    Hey jobjab. Your vid SUCKED!.
    Here’s some hints.
    Every time the hiljob shows up, there must be snipers shooting at her.
    Every time obama shows up, rev wright must be chasing him down with dialogue ballons that say things like “America &%^&^^^#%&!” with Obama trying to get away form the sucker.
    In conclusion, your Election 2008 Vid SUCKED !

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