IMAO No Longer Support Internet Explorer

So, the choice is to not work in Internet Explorer or remove my site meter
You know, I’ve actually gotten to the point I can go days without checking site meter (of course, my traffic is way down from a year ago, so it can be depressing), but I still can’t remove it and have traffic of zero. I can’t. It would hurt my pride. Sorry. Get Firefox.

McCain Campaign Imitates IMAO?

Look how McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb responded to a crappy NYT blog post:

That the Times made this allegation in a blog post rather than running it on the editorial page indicates that they either knew the charge was bogus or they didn’t have the nerve to make their case in full view of the public. But in their new role as bloggers, the paper’s editors seem to have all the intelligence and reason of the average Daily Kos diarist sitting at home in his mother’s basement and ranting into the ether between games of dungeons and dragons. They also have about as much care for the facts–the “board” has already been forced to append a correction.

I know I’ve compared the Kwazy Kos Kids to losers playing D&D in their parents basement before! I think the McCain campaign is starting to steal from me.
Which is good. They’re starting to become more entertaining with this and their latest ads. Almost enough to make me want to vote.
Anyway, if they want more humor to help McCain out, they just need to contact me. My consulting rates are very reasonable.

Obama’s Looking at the Wrong Currency

So Barack is claiming that McCain’s ad comparing him to two white girls is racist, to wit:

“What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.'”

Where to start…
Well, I guarantee you these currency guys, although not all Presidents, got beat up and had their lunch money stolen on a regular basis for having funny names.
Ulysses Grant ($50)
Grover Cleveland ($1000)
Salmon Chase ($10,000)
Woodrow Wilson ($100,000)
And – let’s be honest – can ANYONE say “Sacagawea” ($1 coin) without giggling?
As for looks, though, he’s absolutely right.
Obama’s got no powdered wig, no beard, no moustache, his hair is skull-tight, and don’t even get me started on those freakish Alfred E. Neumans popping out the side of his head.
On the other hand, there IS a vague resemblance to that one guy on the back of the $2 bill:

So maybe he’s a little more currency-qualified than he thinks.

That Different Barack Obama

Barack Obama claimed that when he accused Republicans of scaring people away from him because he doesn’t look like the presidents on the dollar bills, he wasn’t talking about race. I guess that’s believable if he wasn’t just talking about himself in that statement, but also stating why people are critical of his peers Britney Spears and Paris Hilton (and I apologize for mentioning a black man and white women in the same sentence; I know that’s racist). If you take the three of them together, they are a lot more feminine than the people on the dollar bills (and the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin).
So, if Barack Obama wasn’t saying he looked different than the other presidents because of race, what do you think was the differences he was referring to?


I don’t think they can put Barack Obama’s face on a dollar bill because his head won’t fit in the little oval with the way his ears stick out.