Operation Needs More PC – Part 8

Operation Needs More PC – Part 8
Some Operation Needs More PC suggestions for your reading pleasure. Actual authors may claim credit in the comments if they choose.
You may safely assume that all typos were intentional.

Rock on WE,
You guys are finally realizing the need to do something about warming up the earth. Welcome aboard.
I think we should shoot for about 3-4 degrees more and then stop. No? This will shorten the winters dramatically and help provide a longer growing season. I think this is more viable than using grow lamps.
My Ideal is to smooth out the differences between winter and summer buy using a buffer. Something that would absorb CO2 in the summer and release it in the winter. What would be better than hemp?? We plant a crop of hemp in the spring let it absorb all the C02 in the summer and then over the cooler months we burn it to release the CO2 and warm things back up.
One small complaint however, no one on your website appears to be wearing any hemp clothing. I could go on for hours about its nobility and versatility in making our sojourn at one with the earth. A hemp vest or fanny pack would look smart and socially conscious on any one of your spokespersons. Think about it.
Green not Mean
Noel Laureate
Hemp for Tomorrow, Institute and CO-OP

Dear WE,
Frist off, I luv your site!!!! I think WE all sould be more carefull of protecting Gaia, or prescious mother earth.
The only problem i see is that you have all blond womyn on your site. The only burnet i saw was a fat guy. I find it ofensive that you aren’t more diverse with womyn as gaia is a womyn. Lets not tick her off as she might spray us with lava.
My suggestion for helping our wonderfol planet is thus: A lot of people go to disney and six flags on a daily basis. I think we need to petition disney to up their ticket prices to offset theircarbon footprints from running all the electricity. There shuld also be extra charge for children because screaming producs more methane wich makes more warm air and make our mother warmer.
blessed be,
Dolphina Smith

I get all fluttery thinking about the wunderful things you are doing for climate change.
I really want to help bring climate change a reality. I’m tired of living through four different seasons a year. Going from the perfect mild weather into the blistering heat takes a toll on the planet with all our conditioned air. Then from there, there’s a slight change back to perfect, then it pummels down into not only into freezing temperatures, but below freezing temperatures. It kills alll the living green things. Then there’s that leftover stuff from the ice age know as snow. It killed the dinasaurs, didn’t it? Please let me know what I can do do to make this a reality. When then can we work on getting sunlight for 24 hours a day? Then solar power can WORK!

WE, I recently can across your site, and absolutely love it! I’m a huge fan of satire, especially political satire. At first I wasn’t sure if you guys were being serious or not, but the more I examined the site, the more I became convinced you are merely poking fun at the greeny global-warming scaremongers. I mean, some of the stuff on your site is pure gold! How do you come up with it?!?!
So, I’ve started pointing some of my moronic liberal co-workers onto the site, and you should see them trying to do some of the stuff you guys ‘suggest’ for ‘saving the planet’ (lol). One of the guys even rode his bike to work yesterday! 10 miles! In 95 degree heat! In the famous words of Bugs Bunny: “What a maroon.” These morons will do anything to feel better about themselves, as if they’re making a difference. Or as if there was any reason to try and make a difference.
Now, I do have one concern… I see you have some quotes and videos from famous people. Aren’t you afraid they might sue you for making fun of them on your site? Especially algore! Don’t forget how he tried to sue his way into the presidency in 2000! Maybe you’ve already thought of this, but if not, beware, liberals can’t take a joke.
Anyway, keep up the good work.
Together ‘WE’ can keep the libs in a tailspin.
T.N. Amaps

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Think you can do better? Then do so.
Submit your Operation Needs More PC suggestion for improving WE’s offensive web site to the WEtard contact page, then send a copy to me at WEsistance@gmail.com for possible future publication at IMAO (if it doesn’t suck too terribly bad).