This Catchphrase Just Keeps Lookin’ Handier All the Time

Tell me if this crosses the line.
Based on McCain’s statement that he’s glad the US exported $158 million worth of cigarettes to Iran because it kills Iranians, I suggested he adopt the catchphrase:

Have another cigarette, raghead.

It occurred to me today:

He could use it on Obama, too.

Republicans Get Their Mojo Back?

The whole stunt the House Republicans pulled Friday to keep debating drilling after the Democrats left for vacation actually reminded me of why I ever liked Republicans in the first place. I even heard that, after the lights were turned out, Shadegg actually hacked the system to get the microphones back on for a brief bit.
The Democrats were furious. When Pelosi was asked about it, she reportedly turned to the camera, shook her fist, and screamed, “Republicans!”
Michelle Malkin has some ideas of what the Republicans can do as follow up, but here is my idea: A huge heist caper ala Ocean’s Eleven. The House Republican can combine their individual skills to break into the IRS building and stealing all the tax money from its vaults to give back to the taxpayers. It will be hilarious! The Democrats won’t know about it, and when Pelosi has a big ceremony to open the IRS vault to give billions in tax money for abortions for the gay community, she’ll find it empty! She’ll probably turn to the camera, shake her fist, and scream, “Republicans!”
Another idea is for the Republicans to rig the House voting system so it registers a “Yes” vote as a “No” and vice versa. Then the Republicans can introduce a really unpopular bill and get the Democrats to pass it. Can you imagine Pelosi’s face when she sees the voting result on drilling for oil in the heads of baby polar bears and find, on a party line vote, it was overwhelmingly passed by the Democrats. She’ll probably turn to camera, shake her fist, and scream, “Republicans!”
So what do you think the House Republicans should do to help get their mojo back?

The Vote Reaper

Zo takes on Barack Obama in a battle of wits and fists (and lightsabers!):

I’m guessing a video depicting someone beating up Barack Obama would be considered racist if Zo weren’t also black.