It’s Ok As Long As You Wrap It In a Plastic Bag and Throw It In a Landfill After You Get It is giving away free Obama buttons.
However, TANSTAAFL applies here (as everywhere), so if you order one, you’re forcing them to piss away valuable time and money. Plus your name & address gets on a mailing list that goes to other lefty organizations which will also piss away valuable time & money sending you stuff that you can also wrap in plastic and throw into a landfill.
Frankly, I’m not seeing a downside here.
[Hat tip: Freemon Sandlewould]

Passing Mention

Mention in Passing
The new Obama hand sign [via MarcoMancuso]:

If this were me personal blog, I’d photoshop a hand on either side of that, but since this site is technically PG-13, I’ll just say “”, and link the Wikipedia article with the written description.
The actual picture is only for consenting adults who love each other very much, are in a committed relationship, and have strong stomachs. You can Google it yourself, although be aware that it will leave scars.
Meanwhile, There’s a PG-15 bitch-slap in the extended entry…

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