Be Careful What You Wish For


So basically Obama’s church spent a lot of time on hating whitey, but no time at all on not killing babies?

Next We Need Rocket Boots

Finally. Planes that shoot lasers. It’s not quite a satellite that shoots lasers because you still have to fly a plane over your target like you’re a frick’n caveman, but still very useful.
I like how they say it give them “plausible deniability.” If someone drops dead with a hole burnt through him, that doesn’t mean America did it; it could have been God Himself. And ideally you want American military attacks to be easily mistaken for the wrath of God.

A Follow Up to Jesse Helms’s Infamous Hands Ad

From Right Wing News, SarahK, and I helped too!

Not a Comparison He Should Want to Make

Obama seems to think Clarence Thomas doesn’t have enough experience to be president. Can Obama even spell Clarence Thomas?
It seems fashionable for liberals to pronounce Clarence Thomas a lightweight without backing up the statement with an specific examples… unlike the many examples we could give of Obama being a lightweight. I really would be less annoyed with the whole Obama campaign if he just put out honest slogans like, “I’m an experience idiot! Take a chance! Vote Obama!”

Operation Rumor Has It – Part 2

Some Operation Rumor Has It suggestions for your reading pleasure. Actual authors may claim credit in the comments if they choose.
You may safely assume that all typos were intentional.

Fellow WEezers:
First off, I want to encourage you to keep the faith! WE all know that Chimpy McBushitler and Darth Rove have long been conspring to RAPE our beautiful planet with their phallic oil drills. Well, the time is nigh for our movement. If WE don’t do something immidiotly, Gaia will perish as surely as those poor baby harp seals that were found clubbed to death on the outskirts of Crawford, Txas.
Unfortunaterlly, WE don’t have the manpower or spines to fight a full-on resistance. But, if there’s one thing I learned from countless hours playing Red Faction, it’s that you can OVERCOME anything with the right application of rediculous amounts of explosives and bullets. However, being a peace-luvving tree dweller, I cannot openly countenance the death of my fellow amerikkkans.
As the rumor goes, Chimpy and his familiars have Global Warmening fallout shelters. WE must find these lairs and wipe them out!!! All their base are belong to us!!! We must find a way to DESTROY the FASCIST PIGS and save the Earth!!! I can hear Mother Gaia, “Help me, oWE-wan-Kenobi…your my ownly hope.”
B3fore it’s too late,
Mirakel Bono

I think you are doing wonderfull work. To many people don’t understand that this earth needs to be protcted.
My suggestion has to do with carbonated beverages. I think they should be outlawed. How much Co2 is excaping every day from people drinking carbonated bevrages? Everyone knows they arn’t good for you and can rot your teeth or make kids hyper and loud. People can drink fruit juices or water which are much better. I hope you consider my idea. Thanks for your parcipation.

Dear We,
Im just so happy about this websight and it’s fabulous ideas!!! I mean it’s just so… like amazing!!! OMG the last time i like saw a website this awesome was when LOGO started theirs!!! But there is one thing I am absolutely horrified to here!!!! Did you know the ignorant right wing crazie people have actually said that John Edwards is STRAIGHT!!!! OMG like WTF, we have always known he was gay, but those ignorant liars are trying to make him seem heterosexual!!!!11 You should stop putting alll your resources into helping the planet for a little while, and try to convince the world that the gay icon, really is a flamer!!! Without him I… wait no WE would be nothing!!1 PLEASE HELP
Love you all, in more ways than one,
Elton (Rainboy) Mercury

Like those? Say so.
Think you can do better? Then do so.
Submit your Operation Needs More PC suggestion for improving WE’s offensive web site to the WEtard contact page, then send a copy to me at for possible future publication at IMAO (if it doesn’t suck too terribly bad).