McCain Is Rich! Democrats Are Retarded!

I got this letter from the DNC:

Frank —

That’s me!

John McCain has a lot of houses. How many?

I don’t know!

He can’t keep track.

Oh noes!

Yesterday, when asked by reporters how many homes he owns, McCain responded, “I think — I’ll have my staff get to you.”

Did the staff get back to them, or is he hiding that information like a common Obama?

This is the latest in a string of striking and revealing comments by McCain. Recently he said that from his perspective “the fundamentals of our economy are strong” right now, then he said that millionaires are not rich as long as they’re making less than $5 million a year.

I saw the video of both those statements, so I know you’re full of crap. Then again, this supposed to be a letter to Democrat faithfuls who would just be nodding and drooling at this point.

Today, the Obama campaign launched a television ad exposing just how out-of-touch McCain is with the realities American families face.

Is it as forgettable as all their others? They should try comparing McCain to Paris Hilton.

Watch the ad and write a letter to your local newspaper about John McCain’s out-of-touch economic policies:

I’ll get right on that.

In an economy where millions of Americans are sinking under high mortgages and rising gas prices, we can’t afford another president who doesn’t get it.

So we want that other rich guy Obama?

In John McCain’s world, the limits on campaign contributions should rise with inflation, but the minimum wage should not. In fact, he believes there shouldn’t be any increase at all in the minimum wage.

Yeah, the problem with McCain is he’s too lax on campaign finance laws.

How can he help the middle class when he doesn’t know who they are? And how can he fix the economy if he doesn’t know it’s broken?

Again, the alternative is the guy who judges the economy based on the price of organic arugula at Whole Foods?
BTW, do you guys think the middle class earn minimum wage?

McCain’s money may have bought him a lot of houses, but there’s one house we can’t afford to let McCain add to his list: the White House. Not on our watch.

Actually, I bet it was his wife’s money that got the houses. She makes beer.

Please watch the Obama campaign’s ad and write a letter to your local papers about how out-of-touch John McCain is with economic realities:

“Dear newspapers, McCain is rich, unlike any other politician. P.S. I’m retarded.”

Keep fighting the good fight,
DNC Rapid Response Team

Do you people get like paid for this? How can I get in on this scam?

P.S. — The answer is at least seven. And they are worth more than $13 million dollars.

The dastard!
For some reason, the Dummycrats really think they hit pay dirt here. Daily Kos, which is famous for having absolutely no clue what motivates someone to vote who doesn’t masturbate to pictures comparing Bush to a chimp, has a number of front page posts on this (like this). They really think they have an attack again McCain now. My guess is they’re thinking of how this became an issue with Kerry, and having the analytic skills of squirrels, don’t really get how this is different for McCain versus for a haughty liberal pretending to be a friend of the poor.
This reminds me of when I got made fun of in school for being smart. “Ha! Frank got a hundred on his test!” Just because something is said like an insult doesn’t make it insulting. We’re Republicans; we celebrate wealth. We’re certainly not a bunch of whiny, jealous dinguses about it. We’re especially not the average liberal politicians who is rich himself but doesn’t want that for anyone else.
Have the Democrats come up with one substantive attack on McCain yet? I know we Republicans had plenty in the primaries. I guess attacking what he’s done as a politician only reinforces the face that he actually has done things.

I’m Starting to Think is a Right Wing Parody

Got an e-mail from, which says, in part:

How many houses do you own? Most Americans could answer that question quite easily.
But John McCain couldn’t remember yesterday when asked by reporters. It’s actually kind of ridiculous. He paused and said, “I think–I’ll have my staff get to you.” (The correct answer? At least seven.)

[emphasis mine]

“Know why I’m so rich? I ain’t had to pay a barber in 50 years.”

You read that correctly. After chastising McCain for not being to do an off-the-cuff listing of his real estate holdings, and after having a good 24 hours to do the research, they couldn’t come up with an exact number, either.
Neither could Politico, who asked the question in the first place:

The correct answer is at least four, located in Arizona, California and Virginia, according to his staff. Newsweek estimated this summer that the couple owns at least seven properties.
And a Politico analysis later in the day found McCain’s family owns at least eight properties, according to property and tax records, as well as interviews.

[emphasis mine]
It’s an asinine question in the first place. When you have $100 million, buying a house isn’t like buying a house to a normal person. It’s more like buying a household appliance, like a TV. So let’s ask MoveOn how many TV’s they have.
“Well, uh… there’s one in the living room, one in the basement… uh… oh! – one in the bedroom… um… does the DVD player in the Expedition count?… uh…”
BZZZZZZZZ! Time’s up! You’re out of touch with the average American because you had to think about it!
Honestly, I’d find it a lot more disturbing if McCain were so micromanage-obsessed with his properties that he could have answered that question definitively, accurately, and without hesitation.
The point is, he’s got money, he’s living well, and he’s enjoying life. I hope that if I keep working hard, investing wisely and spending prudently, I can grab a piece of the good life for myself and my family, even if it’s on a somewhat less grandiose scale.
Ya know, the lefties say that Barack is an example of the American Dream – the son of an immigrant who went to law school and now has a real shot at being President.
Frankly, I think McCain embraces the REAL American dream – having the freedom to marry any hot-looking, cash-soaked heiress you damn well please.
God Bless America.
And rich chicks.

Bring Cluebat, Please

Lead WEtard Cathy Zoi said the following in an email [Hat tip sgtryansmall]:

On the day Exxon announced its record profits, I testified before the U.S. Congress. I explained that there are no technical or material impediments to achieving the goal of 100% clean electricity within ten years. The only thing missing is political will.

Is the phrase “political will” more Hitlerian or Stalinesque, ya think?
Anyway, I’m inviting anyone who sees a “technical or material impediment” to her WEdiculous goal to mention said impediment in the comments.