Commenter of the Day: Jimmy

It’s time to recognize IMAO commenter Jimmy. His comments help me know my craft is appreciated and motivates me to continue writing. Also, his comments means there is more material to read even when Harvey or I haven’t posted. Jimmy is an important part of IMAO, and it’s high time we all recognize that. So why don’t you comment here on how much you like Jimmy and in the future learn from Jimmy’s examples and be a good IMAO commenter (though probably not as good as Jimmy). Without commenters like Jimmy, there would be no IMAO.
And with no IMAO, there is only death to look forward to.

Girl Meets Boy, Girl Hates Boy At First, But By the End…

Yeah, picking Biden was 2008’s equivalent of the Dean Scream, Dukakis in a tank, and Kerry in a bunny suit all rolled into one, but there are… more disturbing scenarios…

running mates.jpg

And let’s be honest… this one’s still on the table until Thursday.
[via Grouchy Old Cripple, at the insistence of Jimmy]

Just So We’re Clear on Cows

Got this e-mail with the subject “‘frank answers’ tried to post this as an answer”:

That’s an outright lie. The reason why we have so many cows is because many stupid people insist on using cows for dairy…which requires constant impregnation for “our” own selfish, unnecessary, and unhealthy dairy consumption.
I love basically all animals regardless of whether man has made use of them for his own selfish purposes or not. I’ve raised chickens as a vegetarian and given the means, I would do so again in a heart beat. Cattle seem even more intelligent than fowl, IMO.

No idea what post that’s in response to, but I think it stands by itself.

The Trouble With Socialized Medicine – Nutshell Version

It’s an imprudent choice to provide the government with a financial incentive to prefer to see you dead rather than ill.

The Hillary Speech

I didn’t watch Hillary’s speech as I didn’t really see why it would interest me, but all the other bloggers are talking about it and I feel like I’d be doing a disservice to you if I didn’t comment on it and try to come up with a unique opinion that doesn’t just parrot what all the other pundits are saying.
Here I go…
I think it’s quite obvious that Hillary’s speech last night was a suicide note. Having lost her dream to the upstart Obama, she made it quite clear she intends to end her life. I think that’s why we saw genuine emotion from Bill Clinton who was in the audience. He may have treated her poorly, but he still cares for her and its heartbreaking for him to know her end is coming.
While all the other asshole bloggers are busy analyzing whether Hillary showed enough support or not for Obama’s candidacy, I guess I’ll be the only one courageous enough to say: Don’t do it Hillary. It’s not worth it. You have things to live for. People love you. Not me… and probably not anyone at this blog… but other people. And Jesus. You’re still a Senator from New York, and that’s pretty big. Keep on living. You’re worth it.

Dangerous People

Got a pro-Obama comment from one of the Michelle Obama “America is mean” crowd posting under the name Essence:

You are all idiots, no offense. Oh wait, except for Son of Bob. I do agree that Obama is no Jesus, especially since I don’t believe in Jesus either. However, him and his wife are extremely intelligent and compassionate people–unlike the majority of Americans. And the thing I personally think Obama should not only be allowed to stay alive for but also to govern our country for is his sense of community. I’m sorry but the self driven independence in this country makes me want to hurl. No one wants to help anyone anymore. In fact, they rather do harm to other people if it means furthering their own happiness. Thank GOD Obama wants to bring us together and have us work with each other again. Any asshole who can’t see what he’s trying to help us do needs to do some more researching. Oh, and because of what he’s trying to do, this man will inevitably be assassinated. All the great ones are. 🙁

This was in response to a post where I said both people who want to vote for or assassinate Obama have incoherent, substance-free reasoning. She basically just took her wacky skewed view of America and projected all of her beliefs onto Obama… with no evidence backing any of it. Someone who convinced himself he should assassinate Obama would follow the same process, just projecting everything they fear onto the empty vessel that is the inexperienced but quite average liberal politician Barry O.
And that’s why people who want to vote for/assassinate Obama are dangerous, mentally unstable zealots who should be locked up.

Maybe Biden Will Plagiarize This and Claim It Means “Democrat Party, Obama, Success”

[Hat tip: Corsair, from the comments on this post]
By the way, Alice pointed out to me that you can leave a welcome note for Biden at the Obama site.