A Follow Up to Jesse Helms’s Infamous Hands Ad

From Right Wing News, SarahK, and I helped too!


  1. That ad was better than several McCain ads I’ve seen! They keep showing one here in PA that brags about “Maverick” taking on Big Tobacco and Big Pharmaceutical. Almost as annoying as that Obama ad that says we can “Harvest the wind”.

  2. I miss the days of thunder thighs as her highness thighness in the pit of doom eating babies for breakfast… re-education camps, testicle lock boxes and surgeries in the White House basement with Bubba on the other table coming up short.

  3. Jimmy,
    Just wait for Denver when Hillary floats to the speakers stand as her head spins 360 on her shoulders. She lets out a hideous cackle as the Obama Super Delegates are hoisted skyward to have their heads ripped off and shoved up their asses. They fall to the convention floor as Hillary hisses “let’s vote biatches”… Hillary is nominated as the Democratic Presidential candidate and goes on to slaughter John McCain the general election. Barack Obama resigns his Senate seat and takes a job in Hillary’s White House on her kitchen staff where he wins numerous awards for being clean and articulate…

  4. I fear you have resurrected the Cackling Ghoul, ussjimmycarter!! What you are suggesting would be equivalent getting your head permanently stuck and rearranged between her giant, nut-cracking thighs.
    Are we actually hoping for some head rippin’-and-stuffin’ pageantry in Denver? And outside the hall is some good old-fashioned poo and pee tossin’?
    Sounds good. I’ll buy extra popcorn.

  5. Jimmy,
    I, for one, have been most supportive of Hillary, Our Great And Glorious Leader (May She Live Forever) but alas the rest of the posters on this site I fear may suffer the fate that you suggest. When selection for the “villages” begin, I as a loyal and faithful servant of Our Great and Glorious Leader (May She Live Forever) will do what I can but your fate may be above my pay grade…

  6. ussjc, Hillary text’d. She wants you to COME ON DOWN. I quote:
    “Jimmy: Tell that #1 supporter of mine, ussjimmycarter, to get his male chauvinist keister down to Denver and be on my team! I need Obama buggerers! Bad! I’m rollin’ in bucks so pay is not a problem. -HRC”
    But ussjc! At last count, she’s 23 million in debt! You’re being hoodwinked by the biggest bamboozler of all: a typical, racist white woman with satanic powers! Don’t do it, ussjc! Stay away from the biatch! Don’t go near Denver! Noooooooo….

  7. In related news today it seems that Hillary Clinton may have been involved in her own “John Edwards” scandal. Although sketchy the National Enquirer is now reporting that an Hillary may have started an alleged “affair” with a person named “Jimmy” somewhere in Oregon as far back as 1980. This relationship as reported by friends of Jimmy seems to have been one of “convenience” to Hillary and a male/female master/slave thing with Jimmy as the “biatch and slave”… “He said it involved a lot of really kinky stuff with Hillary but it seemed fun at the time” a friend of Jimmy’s was quoted as saying. Another friend when asked turned and puked off the front steps…

  8. *** FLASH ***
    AP – 08-18-2008 – The U.S. submarine USS Jimmy Carter caught fire and exploded today during a demonstration cruise only miles from its home port at the Navy’s submarine base at Bangor, Washington. While details are still unavailable, apparently its nuclear reactor melted and penetrated the submarine’s pressure hull. The reactor core is now missing and suspected to be at or within the bottom of Puget Sound. All hands apparently survived the mishap except two special visitors suffered only minor injuries, including Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Jimmy Carter, whose egos were both deflated while participating in a special fact-finding mission for President-elect, Barack Obama. Senator Clinton and President Carter were seen in a supportive embrace shortly after the accident but refused to comment to reporters. President Carter was later escorted away by special helicopter with large object (possibly a reactor control rod) protruding from the rear of his pants.

  9. Yeah, h.p.lovecraft, that would be a good title for that news story. But ussjimmycarter has to understand that the “Jimmy” that Hillary took up with in 1980 in HIS story was, in fact, Jimmy Carter. And not from Oregon, Georgia.
    As to his assertion that, “Another friend when asked turned and puked off the front steps…” is probably quite true. (Shudder)

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