Be Careful What You Wish For


  1. It’s actually funny how the stupid college kids (including Obama) who love communism somehow always picture themselves as part of the corrupt ruling class and never as the working class that lives under its oppression.

  2. The sad part is that there is a whole generation (or more) of Amerikkans who seriously want Big Daddy Government to take care of them cradle to grave. Beats thinking, or being productive, or responsible for theirownselves, doncha know.

  3. OK,OK, no need to insult me, Son of Bob. I know WHO Lenin is, (and Lennon) just didn’t know what he looked like. You see I went to publik skool and they didn’t teach me no history much.
    Of course, I didn’t have posters of Lenin in my dorm room either…..I voted for Reagan back in the day.

  4. We work hard get rid of evil Romanovs (hehe!) and you no like glorious Soviet system, American capitalist swine? We work hard preparing Chernobama for you, since you no vote for Hillary Rodhamovich. You will like him. He give you womb to tomb healthcare, all abortions you want for free, and kravvvvitsa public transportation system so you no have to let air out of tires. All we want is little things like right to protest, free speech, and we let my friend Putin come to visit Georgia now and then (preferably Atlanta).

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