Dangerous People

Got a pro-Obama comment from one of the Michelle Obama “America is mean” crowd posting under the name Essence:

You are all idiots, no offense. Oh wait, except for Son of Bob. I do agree that Obama is no Jesus, especially since I don’t believe in Jesus either. However, him and his wife are extremely intelligent and compassionate people–unlike the majority of Americans. And the thing I personally think Obama should not only be allowed to stay alive for but also to govern our country for is his sense of community. I’m sorry but the self driven independence in this country makes me want to hurl. No one wants to help anyone anymore. In fact, they rather do harm to other people if it means furthering their own happiness. Thank GOD Obama wants to bring us together and have us work with each other again. Any asshole who can’t see what he’s trying to help us do needs to do some more researching. Oh, and because of what he’s trying to do, this man will inevitably be assassinated. All the great ones are. 🙁

This was in response to a post where I said both people who want to vote for or assassinate Obama have incoherent, substance-free reasoning. She basically just took her wacky skewed view of America and projected all of her beliefs onto Obama… with no evidence backing any of it. Someone who convinced himself he should assassinate Obama would follow the same process, just projecting everything they fear onto the empty vessel that is the inexperienced but quite average liberal politician Barry O.
And that’s why people who want to vote for/assassinate Obama are dangerous, mentally unstable zealots who should be locked up.


  1. Yup, she’s pretty much got me nailed! Screw everyone else! I’m in this thing for myself! As a conservative I believe in stealing money from the poor so that we can fund the industrial military complex which gives us the ability to invade as many countries as possible to further our imperialistic quest for oil! Halliburtin…SWEET!!!
    How is it that she doesn’t believe in Jesus but “thanks GOD” later that Obama wants to bring us together?

  2. It was Peregrine John who commented that it could be a clever parody. And seanmahair figured it was time to feed the trolls. Well, in any case then, maybe Essence will come back and enlighten us further. It was such a delightful comment to learn that my idiocy came at no offense! And Son of Bob, apparently you are the only non-idiot here!

  3. USSJC – cause she’s a liberal. Consistency is not a strong suit. Besides, she might be a JOOOOOOOO.
    Anyway, you can tell she doesn’t put her money where her mouth is when it comes to helping others. If she did any volunteer work at all she’d know that plenty of folks do help.
    What a loser, just like the people she idolizes. All talk, no discernable action.

  4. A little less conversation and a little more action are needed here! So, hurl away, Essence.
    This intelligent (I hope), compassionate, AND self-driven-for-independence chick will even hold the bucket for ya. Then I promise to place it squarely back on Obama’s pea-brained, lobster-eared head.
    IMAO, of course.

  5. this man will inevitably be assassinated. All the great ones are. 🙁
    Right. George Washington was assassinated, right? And Franklin Roosevelt, who’s probably one of her heroes, or at least a hero of one or more of her heroes (I’m assuming that the author of the rant is female; I’m not quite sure why), was assassinated too, right? Winston Churchill was assassinated. All the great ones.
    By the way, anybody who would consider Barack Obama a “great one” is an idiotic, delusional douchebag, no offense.

  6. How much of his income did Barry give to charity last year? Wasn’t it just a little over four percent? And he can’t even send his half-brother $20 to double his annual income? Yeah…reaaaaallll compassionate guy there.
    Liberals always tout the need for compassion as they reach for your wallet.

  7. Some people are born with the ability to pick winning lottery numbers. Others, like Aquaman are born with cool superhero powers (okay, granted, bad example).
    My gift: Freaky people love me.
    Anyone wanna trade?

  8. this man will inevitably be assassinated. All the great ones are. 🙁
    Uhh, if that is the criteria for assassination, I think that means Obamahammed won’t even need a security detail.
    Well, except perhaps to keep Olberman, Matthews, etc. from trying to fellate him in front of the cameras.

  9. As usual, the analogy works, but also as usual, a Lefty has carried it beyond the point of no return. The United States is based on individuality and self-reliance, but most of those seeking to screw everyone else appear to be the Lefties these days, or they would not be demanding the rest of us support them.

  10. I wonder if Essence knows that someone tried to assassinate Andrew Jackson. After BOTH of the would-be-assassin’s pistols misfired, Jackson beat him nearly to death with his hickory walking stick.
    What would Obama do? Grin the guy into submission or just say something so ignorant he had an aneurism?
    Jackson was our best president. He believed in liberty. He believed in the free market. He wasn’t a pansy.
    “Jackson’s Skeleton ’08. Still has more balls than the entire Obama family.” There’s a campaign I’d go for.

  11. #18. Adam Mk 1 Mod 0 – Ask the Cherokee indians about that whole “Trail of Tears” thing.
    That was Jackson’s baby.
    I bet Obama’s half-brother wishes everyone would just shut up about his rich, famous American sibling.
    I mean, if I was living in a shanty town with a bunch of equally desperate people living all around me, I’d feel like I had a huge bullseye painted on my back!
    I expect small but deeply personal bits of George are going to start showing up in Fedex International packages addressed to the Obama’s any day now.
    ‘We have your brother! If you ever want to see him again send 20, No! 30 American dollars in small bills by return post!’

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