Does He Have the Experience Necessary to Send a Text Message?

Apparently Obama is going to announce his running mate via text message. So I guess the announcement will be something like:

wes clark is my new bff! kthxbai

Remind me: Is he running for president of the United States or high school class president?


  1. OK, I’m kind of Amish so I don’t text, but I actually understood the abbreviation in comment #1. Not sure what that says about me…..
    So if he picks the wrong date for the prom, will everyone text him back with a better suggestion?

  2. I still haven’t figured out this racist cracker phone, so I’ll just have post My choice here:
    John Edwards!
    Maybe he can keep Michelle “occupied”. Oh my Me, that woman makes “Little Barack” shrink like cotton in hot water. I prefer white women, anyway.
    I wonder what Rielle Hunter is doing….

  3. pammyV if you understood that please translate for an old fart like me … please.
    PS I’m still looking for a valid/link explaining Obama’s tax increase plan (I know that was a totally different thread but I’m still looking) it seems the Obamasiah can obliterate links on a whim, which makes it far more difficult to catch him without video tape.

  4. Neither, Frank. He’s competing for “Mr. America.” He’s already won first runner-up as Mr. Congeniality but John Edwards recently beat him out in that category as a super faggot fathering an illegitimate child. BTW, Hillary Clinton is MC and Billy is still ranking HNIC as America’s “first black president” (hint #6). To be continued in Denver.

  5. pammyV if you understood that please translate for an old fart like me … please.
    PS I’m still looking for a valid/link explaining Obama’s tax increase plan
    Thanks Wild Bill…Yes, things disappear instantly from his site. Maybe he should work here in Vegas as a Magician!
    Here is the translation: Head Ni–er in Charge. (Not proud that I know that, I worked in the car biz for a while…it was like a locker room.)

  6. Dude, Frank, what’s up with the site?
    I was in Peru for 6 weeks, and all I got from anything – with the exception of the RSS feed – was a 403. Have you blocked the poor Peruvian people from your wisdom?

  7. I read the link. It seems you have to sign up to some Obama web sight to receive the information. I wonder if there is a charge for getting on the mailing list, say $1,000. I also wonder if they send out emails, and listen to useful advice from the people. If there is a free way to send them advise, I am sure they could use our help, just like the Wetards.

  8. Slightly off subject but I heard today that campaigns signs, you know the ones you LET campaigns put in your yard as free publicity for whoever you support in the elections, now cost money.
    Yes for the low, low fee of $8.00 you can have your very own Vote for Barry sign. Lest you think the Dummycrats are alone in this nonsense, McCain’s signs are $7.00. These people are amazing.
    I think I’ll make my own sign which says, “NONE OF THE ABOVE. I might save enough to buy myself a kids meal at Micky Dee’s.

  9. Am no Obama booster, but doesn’t really bother me if he wants to eschew usual trappings of politics and elect “high school class president” method of making announcements. I think all our politicians could do with less pomp and circumstance.

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