Empty Obama

So Obama is responding to the charge that’s he an empty celebrity with “I know you are, but what am I.” I already knew Obama had the brain of a four-year-old, but I guess his campaign staff isn’t any better. Have they come up with even one memorable ad yet? Paris Hilton has.


  1. Soon, there will be three US carrier task forces in the Middle East. With Russia now attacking Georgia, and the clock ticking between the West and Iran, soon that dial will show 03:00 a.m. all the time. I hope Obama has sufficient toilet paper stored up for all those bricks he’s gonna $hit.

  2. 143 days in the Senate before running for President is just the right amount of time. Anything more than that, and you’re a drooling old fossil like Hillary or McCain – that’s not experience, it’s senility! Vote for Me, or die, you racist crackers!

  3. This is where experience shows. Obama is in the driver’s seat as far as controlling the news cycle goes. If he just ignored this line of attack from McCain, he could probably minimize his damage. By trying to fight back on grounds of McCain’s choosing, he merely guarantees continued focus on his weakest area. Rookie mistake from a rookie.

  4. Oh, Bama,
    Who art from Hawaii, or Chicago, (What ever),
    Liberal be thy name.
    Thy campaign come,
    Thy will be done
    On Earth as it is in San Francisco.
    Give us this day
    Our government handout,
    And forgive us our individualism
    As we forgive those who don’t properly inflate their tires.
    Lead us not into energy independence,
    But deliver us from conservatives.
    For thine is the hope, and the change, and the hysteria,
    Now, and until November,
    Hype without end, Amyn!

  5. Pee Wee Herman will be his running mate. I can tell otherwise why would he be saying “I know you are but what am I ? ”
    And they can have those “reach arounds the isle” ( Pee Wee is a Republican ) in the “White”-house just like they do in the Senate. Larry Craig not invited. Tippity Tapp tap ta da dow.

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