
It’s somewhat informative from the Rick Warren interviews that the part Obama chose to be vague on was when human life begins thus determining when one is deserving of human rights, and the part McCain chose to be vague on is what defines when someone is rich thus determining when one is deserving of excessive taxation.


  1. What?? Obama was vague on the whole thing. His middle name is vague. Vagueity, vague, vaguemeister. He’s so vague, his suit is empty…
    I actually enjoyed McCain the other night. It pains me to admit it. But his sense of humor came through, and he does have a couple of great stories that will bring a tear to your eye. Can’t beat that!
    Now if only he were a Republican….

  2. How dare you question Our Great And Glorious Leader (May He Live Forever)! Life begins when He says it begins…period!
    I really liked McCain’s story about the guard and the cross. Now if he just doesn’t blow it with a Pro Abortion VP! I just wish he was a conservative…sigh…

  3. If parents have a right to decide if their unborn, prematurely born or inconveniently born children will live or die, then let’s extend that right in a way that’ll do some good.
    New born babies haven’t done anything to deserve to be aborted.
    However there are quite a few juvenile offenders, still technically under their parents care who might be improved by it!
    As Bill Cosby’s father used to say, “I brought you into this world, and I’ll take you out again!”
    At least it might be a useful deterrent?
    ‘Sorry kid! Your parents signed the paperwork! I’m just doing my job! No, you’re only 17 and therefore not yet legally human so you don’t get a lawyer, a phonecall, or an appeal. Now hold still! This’ll only take a second …’
    Oh, right! I forgot!
    berrie doesn’t believe in killing the guilty, only the innocent!

  4. If parents have a right to decide if their unborn, prematurely born or inconveniently born children will live or die, then let’s extend that right in a way that’ll do some good.
    New born babies haven’t done anything to deserve to be aborted.
    However there are quite a few juvenile offenders, still technically under their parents care who might be improved by it!
    As Bill Cosby’s father used to say, “I brought you into this world, and I’ll take you out again!”
    At least it might be a useful deterrent?
    ‘Sorry kid! Your parents signed the paperwork! I’m just doing my job! … No, you’re only 17 and therefore not yet legally human so you don’t get a lawyer, a phonecall, or an appeal. Now hold still! This’ll only take a second …’
    Oh, right! I forgot!
    berrie doesn’t approve of killing the guilty, only the innocent!

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