I’m Starting to Think MoveOn.org is a Right Wing Parody

Got an e-mail from MoveOn.org, which says, in part:

How many houses do you own? Most Americans could answer that question quite easily.
But John McCain couldn’t remember yesterday when asked by reporters. It’s actually kind of ridiculous. He paused and said, “I think–I’ll have my staff get to you.” (The correct answer? At least seven.)

[emphasis mine]

“Know why I’m so rich? I ain’t had to pay a barber in 50 years.”

You read that correctly. After chastising McCain for not being to do an off-the-cuff listing of his real estate holdings, and after having a good 24 hours to do the research, they couldn’t come up with an exact number, either.
Neither could Politico, who asked the question in the first place:

The correct answer is at least four, located in Arizona, California and Virginia, according to his staff. Newsweek estimated this summer that the couple owns at least seven properties.
And a Politico analysis later in the day found McCain’s family owns at least eight properties, according to property and tax records, as well as interviews.

[emphasis mine]
It’s an asinine question in the first place. When you have $100 million, buying a house isn’t like buying a house to a normal person. It’s more like buying a household appliance, like a TV. So let’s ask MoveOn how many TV’s they have.
“Well, uh… there’s one in the living room, one in the basement… uh… oh! – one in the bedroom… um… does the DVD player in the Expedition count?… uh…”
BZZZZZZZZ! Time’s up! You’re out of touch with the average American because you had to think about it!
Honestly, I’d find it a lot more disturbing if McCain were so micromanage-obsessed with his properties that he could have answered that question definitively, accurately, and without hesitation.
The point is, he’s got money, he’s living well, and he’s enjoying life. I hope that if I keep working hard, investing wisely and spending prudently, I can grab a piece of the good life for myself and my family, even if it’s on a somewhat less grandiose scale.
Ya know, the lefties say that Barack is an example of the American Dream – the son of an immigrant who went to law school and now has a real shot at being President.
Frankly, I think McCain embraces the REAL American dream – having the freedom to marry any hot-looking, cash-soaked heiress you damn well please.
God Bless America.
And rich chicks.


  1. Correct Answer
    And I’de like to add that I wont be needing one in the next four years cause Im going to living in a house on Pennsylvania Ave paid for by the government.
    Dont worry though… I’ll have the carpets cleaned when we leave….

  2. Funny how the left works…
    Four short years ago, John Kerry was their candidate…let’s see, rich wife with lots of houses. And, he’ll be speaking at their convention as a Democrat hero again this year. But, John McCain is evil. Ummmm…okay.

  3. “God Bless America.
    And rich chicks.”
    As noted with the ketchup princess who married a Republican senator, then took his money after he was killed to make a Democratic uberdouche senator rich…
    Correction: God Bless America, and CONSERVATIVE rich chicks.
    And BTW, may God also bless them with my phone number.

  4. I know this is going to sound stupid, but what are they counting? Houses or properties? As far as I’m concerned, there’s a difference. I mean, if I own a corn field in Iowa and a house in Washington, I only own one house.

  5. I remember reading that having more then a million dollars is not like having a million dollars in the bank. Conventional banks won’t handle that kind of money, so you usually hand it over to investment funds (unless you are self made, then you manage most of it yourself) who invest it by buying things like houses, restaurants, hotels, stock, vineyards, farmland, bonds, and all kinds of diverse stuff. Even guys who make huge sums of money themselves put a lot of their money into these investment funds where it continues to grow out of sight, and they end up owning all kinds of things they don’t know about. Besides, as an elected official, isn’t McCain supposed to keep his money in a blind trust anyways?

  6. Good post Harvey!
    “I hope that if I keep working hard, investing wisely and spending prudently, I can grab a piece of the good life for myself and my family, even if it’s on a somewhat less grandiose scale.”
    Me too.
    Sociocrats need to mind their own damn business.
    Moveon.borg should go ask George Soros about his assets (and his carbon footprint).
    Yeah McCain hit the jackpot with Cindy and no one should begrudge him that. After gettin’ all jacked up in Viet Nam, now he’s laid back on easy street with a sweet babe & some brew can you dig it.
    Biden seems to have enough room in his compound for a fleet of big fat SUVs all over the place. More power to him… can’t he afford some kind of hair treatment though, damn – some special rogaine or implants or something, sheesh.

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