IMAO No Longer Support Internet Explorer

So, the choice is to not work in Internet Explorer or remove my site meter
You know, I’ve actually gotten to the point I can go days without checking site meter (of course, my traffic is way down from a year ago, so it can be depressing), but I still can’t remove it and have traffic of zero. I can’t. It would hurt my pride. Sorry. Get Firefox.


  1. I’m a little Amish when it comes to tech stuff…Is this all on your end? I’m not going to miss out am I?
    And I did read about this glitch on LGF yesteday. I experienced it on many blogs. Do you think it’s intentional on microsoft’s part?

  2. (of course, my traffic is way down from a year ago, so it can be depressing)
    Oddly enough, I thought it had been getting better lately. Is this just a case of not having the Paulbots to boost the numbers anymore or is it something else?

  3. I was beginning to think that they wouldn’t let me on any conservative blog!! I tried them all and kept getting an error message. I run IE7 and it finally let me back on my conservative blogs, if this happens again ,I will go back to FireFox.
    Talk about Paranoia!!!

  4. This is what happens when coders drink decaf. They write crap, and forget that IE’s superior analytics will pick up on every little thing coming to/from the client.
    As long as there’s Gov’t employed 14 y/o North Koreans that hate capitalists, I’ll surf with IE.

  5. OK, because of many smart tech guy comments on many smart right wing blogs, I loaded Firefox. And after 10 minutes, I am very happy. IMAO load so quickly and I love the auto spell check feature on blog comments (I type way faster than my brain can process the spelling, ergo sloppy typing=bad spelling)
    Thank you, oh great tech geeks of the world!

  6. You mean there are still folks out there who use IE for anything except MicroSoft updates?
    Frank, your traffic is down because true fans of Fred Dalton Thompson, the man who should have been the next president of these United States, can no longer get a daily fix of Fred awesomeness.
    Maybe Bobama will pick a running mate who’s fair game for satire and you can do a daily facts on him/her.
    We still love ya, anyhow!

  7. I use Internet Explorer mostly. Firefox just likes to not behave as much, and the only reason I use it is for AdBlock and RSS. But I am still leaning towards IE7 as my main browser.
    As far as the code not working, that isn’t really a IE bug… I think it’s more of an issue where a developer didn’t test to see if it worked on all browsers.

  8. THANK GOD!!! IE is HORRIBLE!! Once you get used to using firefox and find a few addons you like you’ll never go back to IE again. As far as these people saying Firefox has the same problems, they are gravely mistaken, and are missing out on a far better product simply because they don’t understand how a free and opensource program could out perform Microsoft. Welcome to the real internet.

  9. ……Also……
    If you have to use IE for somthing…just download the IE tab addon. You can right click on any link and tell it to open in an IE tab, within you’re firefox browser.

  10. Ummmmm. Some of us get on IMAO while we are “working” and my employer says he will murder me with a hatchet if I put Firefox on my computer. I know he’s basically Fascist McFascist without the apricots but I can’t upset the man because it’s a really sharp hatchet and I like to pay my mortgage. I hope (Obama may be onto something there) I won’t have to wait until I get home to get my FunnyFix.

  11. In defense of your boss IE is the standard. One other person and I run the IT for a 500 computer multidealer car network. Almost every web based app requires IE. I wish it wasn’t that way but you can’t force the companies to change. You just have to deal with it.

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