In My World: President Bush at the Olympics

“You get out of Georgia! That’s where we make Coca Cola!” President Bush yelled at Putin.
“That’s a different Georgia, man of stupid brain,” Putin answered. “Georgia is its own country.”
“What? Did they secede again? Is it over slavery? If so, screw ’em.”
“You can do nothing to Russia,” Putin laughed. “Your country is weak.”
“We are totally not!” Bush yelled. “You take that back, Dobby!”
“We will see how you do at game, then we will see if you have power to back up your threats.”
“Yeah, we will see!” Bush sat back down next to Laura to watch women’s beach volleyball.
“You need to calm down and enjoy the games,” Laura said.
“I can’t calm down. We have to show strength to the Russian!” He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted. “Hit it in bounds, you stupid sluts!”
“You’re a bit tightly wound,” Laura said. “You need to relax.”
“I can’t! The Russians are causing trouble and I just know that the Chinese are up to something. I’m going to send the Secret Service to check the rafters of our room for ninjas.”
“Again?” Laura exclaimed. “If you were going to be so worried about ninjas here, you never should have come.”
“I didn’t know before I came here how often I’d think I see ninjas up in the trees,” Bush responded. “Also, I’m pretty sure every place around here is haunted.”
“That’s just because everything here is built on the mass graves of dissidents and homeless people,” Laura said. “Stop worrying.”
“But the homeless are good haunters!” Bush exclaimed. “They’re use to have no fixed place to exist!” He looked back to the game. “Why can’t you bitches keep it in bounds?!”
“Your country is weak!” Putin yelled.
“Just wait until you see Michael Phelps swim!” Bush retorted. He then whispered to Laura, “I hear he’s the illegitimate son of Aquaman.”
“I thought Aquaman is gay?”
“You shut up!” Bush yelled angrily. A secret service agent walked up to them. “I got your hot dog.”
“Goody!” Bush unwrapped it. He was startled to see chopsticks came with it. “What in the world is this? I bet it’s some sort of Chinese death threat!”
“If you’re so worried that the Chinese led us here just to kill us all, why don’t you ask them about it,” Laura suggested.
“I did! They told me that if they’re planning to kill us all, that their internal affairs and no concerns of ours.” He turned to his Secret Service agent. “I don’t trust the Chinese. If you see any Chinese around me, you kill them.”
“Just watch the game, dear,” Laura said.
“Okay.” Bush watched the game for a few moments. “Why can’t you hussies keep it in the blue line?!”
“Russia has nothing to fear from weak Americans!” Putin laughed.
“Rarr!” Bush growled. “I should have known the Russians were going to be warmongering from all the Tom Clancy videogames I’ve played.”
“According to those, how do things turn out in the end?” Laura asked.
“We all die. Repeatedly. They were very hard games.” Bush took a deep breath. “I bet I know how the Chinese are going to kill us. It’s the air. They’ve poisoned the air, and a couple weeks of breathing it will cause us to drop dead soon after we get back.”
Luara rolled here eyes. “That one we knew before coming.” She looked back to the game. “Keep it in bounds, you whores!”


  1. I’m with HKP in my admiration and amazement! Very good, Harve…uh, Frank…
    Love the “Dobby” reference! I wondered where they found that little character for Harry Potter, now I know; RUSSIA!
    Good job.

  2. The USSR collapsed because they couldn’t out spend us.
    They learned from their mistakes.
    Now it’s the US who’s overextended, in debt, and low on vital resources.
    The turning point for Russia was overhauling their tax code, establishing a flat tax, and privatizing their oil industry.
    We, on the otherhand, seem intent on raising taxes, increase spending and nationalizing the oil industry.
    I hope our next-generation all-green solar powered submarines will be up to the task of protecting our shores, because it’s a cinch we won’t be projecting power anywhere else while the Wicked Witch of the West continues to rule over her horde of flying monkeys in the House of Reps!
    Throw a bucket of water on her already!

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