Know What the Government of China Reminds Me Of?

Michael, from The Office. The entire government of China is just as socially retarded as he is. I really think they can just steal from what China does to make episode of that show.

PAM enters Michael’s office accompanied by her seven-year-old cousin TRICIA.
PAM: Hello, Michael, this is Tricia. She learned the Dunder Mifflin jingle so she can sing at the paper products convention.
MICHAEL: Good. Let’s hear it.
TRICIA sings.
MICHAEL: Wow. That was really really… really good.
PAM: (beaming) She’s only seven years old.
MICHAEL: That’s impressive.
PAM: So should I go ahead and tell her mother that she’ll be going to the convention?
PAM: What?
MICHAEL: I don’t know if she’s the image we want for Dunder Mifflin.
PAM: What do you mean? You said you wanted a child to sing the jingle.
MICHAEL: Well, when I said “a child” I didn’t mean… any child.
PAM: She is a very good singer.
MICHAEL: That she is. But… (whispers to PAM) …I was imagining someone cuter.
PAM: Michael!
MICHAEL: This convention is very important, Pam! We want people to know how great a company Dunder Mifflin is, and how are people going to be impressed when they look at who we got to represent us, and there’s…
Motions to TRICIA and then hesitates.
MICHAEL: So… how did you lose those teeth?
TRICIA: I got a dollar from the tooth fairy.
MICHAEL: (turns to PAM) This isn’t going to work out. Maybe we can get someone older who’s gotten through the teeth issue. Maybe a nine-year-old.
PAM: Michael! Tricia worked very hard to learn that song. The audience at the convention is going to love her and be very impressed by her singing.
MICHAEL thinks for a moment.
MICHAEL: She is a good singer. I have an idea. You can teach kids to lip sync, right?
PAM: I wouldn’t know.
MICHAEL: We can record her singing, and then when we find someone more…
MICHAEL: Do you know what “photogenic” means?
TRICIA shakes her head.
MICHAEL: (turns to PAM) When we find someone more photogenic, she can lip sync to Tricia’s very lovely singing. Everyone wins.
PAM is stunned silent. MICHAEL kneels down to talk to TRICIA face to face.
MICHAEL: Have you ever been to a recording studio? It’s going to be lots of fun!
DWIGHT enters the office.
DWIGHT: Beets are a superior vegetable!

Okay, I don’t know how to write Dwight.


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