McCain Campaign Imitates IMAO?

Look how McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb responded to a crappy NYT blog post:

That the Times made this allegation in a blog post rather than running it on the editorial page indicates that they either knew the charge was bogus or they didn’t have the nerve to make their case in full view of the public. But in their new role as bloggers, the paper’s editors seem to have all the intelligence and reason of the average Daily Kos diarist sitting at home in his mother’s basement and ranting into the ether between games of dungeons and dragons. They also have about as much care for the facts–the “board” has already been forced to append a correction.

I know I’ve compared the Kwazy Kos Kids to losers playing D&D in their parents basement before! I think the McCain campaign is starting to steal from me.
Which is good. They’re starting to become more entertaining with this and their latest ads. Almost enough to make me want to vote.
Anyway, if they want more humor to help McCain out, they just need to contact me. My consulting rates are very reasonable.


  1. I wonder if it really is McCain’s own push for humor in his latest adds? The strategy is a good one, though: let Obama’s nonsense build up to the point that there’s an endless supply of ‘sauce for the goose’ on national TV. I think we’re there. Humor might even make him electable:
    McCain: “I remember Reagan as a master of ideological humor.”
    Interviewer: “Yeah, well, I knew Ronald Reagan, and you’re no Ronald Reagan.”
    McCain: “Very funny. Is your name Lloyd Bentsen, by any chance? I knew Lloyd Bentsen and you don’t look like him. In fact, you smell!”

  2. I think I know what I’m going to do this election. With Obama voting “here” most of the time lets just elect a conservative congress and Obama. Congress will put out good conservative legislation and Obama will just say “here” instead of vetoing it.
    Much easier than getting a veto-proof conservative congress in order to overcome McCain’s “Reach across the isle”

  3. I wish I could remember exactly what it was, but I heard something on Rush the other day that was a pretty vicious, accurate attack ad against Obama. I’m sitting in the car, nodding my head as they make their points, then I hear “I’m John McCain, and I approved this message”. I just about fell out of my seat — the old dude did something right! Maybe there’s hope for us conservatives yet…

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