New Obama Presidential Seal

A more apt Presidential Seal for Obama:

From Minta of A Few Shiny Pebbles

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  1. Oh gawd, Master Shake. I didn’t think of that. So, do you think it’s symbolic of moonbat sex?
    I’m sorry. I keep asking questions.
    If McCain does nothing else in the campaign, I really really really want to see him drop the hammer on this guy.

  2. My friends at the Barking-Moonbat blog asked about the circle, and asked if it was a muzzle. I pointed out that the moonbat looks like he’s wearing a muzzle because there is a circular seal on the eagle’s chest in the original image, and I left the circle so that the new, improved Seal, the Photoshopped one, would look just like the one Obama used if they were both seen from a distance or if the small images of them are laid side by side. I didn’t want it to be very different. Get a picture of the original seal and see. Even at the beginning, a small image of the Obama seal looks like there’s a moonbat looking out.
    But you know, a muzzle would be psychologically correct for a Moonbat. Obama wants to lead them, but he doesn’t really want to hear what they say, does he? I mean, not until he gives them the sound bite to chant. A muzzle, ready at all times to be tightened, would be the perfect fashion accessory for the trendy, True Believing Moonbat, wouldn’t it?

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