Next We Need Rocket Boots

Finally. Planes that shoot lasers. It’s not quite a satellite that shoots lasers because you still have to fly a plane over your target like you’re a frick’n caveman, but still very useful.
I like how they say it give them “plausible deniability.” If someone drops dead with a hole burnt through him, that doesn’t mean America did it; it could have been God Himself. And ideally you want American military attacks to be easily mistaken for the wrath of God.


  1. First, I would like to say that I like American attacks to have a certain calling card associated with them. Maybe a USA burn or something.
    Secondly, because the post is so freaking old that it doesn’t allow comments, what is your latest thoughts about Smartcarry for the 1911? I have a commander-sized one that just isn’t hiding in my IWB as well as I (or my wife) would like. My normal attire is jeans (Levi 505’s) and collared shirt. How is the weight compared to IWB carry?

  2. Don’t tell the Democrats about this weapon! They will start targeting every women worldwide that is expecting a child…or every child that is within 2 minutes of leaving it’s mother’s womb…

  3. I remember way back in High School I wasted about $10 in circuit board etching supplies by using a laser (and another 4 step process never mind the details) to make a (useless) circuit board that had nothing but my signature on it. Given this lasers power wouldn’t it be a kick in the n*ts to Putin if we etched/burned a giant “Capitolism Rocks” or “Better Dead than Red” in the Kremlin parking lot of course if firing time is limited (which it probably is) just a big ” W “.
    Of course this totally precludes any concept of ‘plausible deniability’ but what are they going to do about it once we’ve proven the technology is operationally deployed?

  4. black helicopter time …
    Have the CIA put together some fake classified report regarding safety problems in Soviet-era Russian petrochemical pumps and/or pipes used in their refineries. Then leak it to Bob Burkett or Dan Rather. Wait a week or two after the story breaks and use the laser to ‘pop’ a couple of pipes in a Russian refinery. The fireworks would be glorious with ‘plausible deniabilty’ still intact.

  5. tom from #3 yes there was a movie it was called “Real Genius” really funny too! Gotta love destroying a slime-ball professor’s house by cooking off a giant “jiffy-pop”, especially when the prof. just hates popcorn.
    Dang-nab-it now I want to go watch that movie, I think I still have it on VHS, be back in about two hours.

  6. no Doubt “Real Genius” is hillarious completely forgot about the dry-ice ‘quarters’ they used to get “free” soda and the sublimating ice in the dorm, I’m still chuckling over that.
    Well back to the topic at hand. That airborne laser is only going to be effective if they figure out how to fire multiple, not just 5-7 shots but dozens of shots on a single flight. What I understand of the physics that plane (the 747 version) can only take 6-8 shots before needing to land and reload the chemicals needed to power the laser. They really need to figure out how to use an electrical rather than chemical laser to make the system operational. Even if it takes a crapload of voltage that can be generated when you’ve got jet engines to tap off of. A fixed amount of chemicals is just not going to work for combat operations.

  7. I studied your 2004 S.M.I.T.E. Satelite proposal post.
    I noted that it only scored a 3.2/5 (6 votes cast) with 47 comments.
    This latest post scored 5.0/5 (40 votes cast) with 9 comments (so far).
    Feel the love!

  8. How long until the democrats sign a treaty saying we will never use this weapon? Every time we get something cool, some liberal somewhere tries to get the weapon banned, for being too cruel.

  9. I’m more interested in the solid state laser they’re working on:
    Just imagine a flight of long range bombers escorted by a modified long range bomber wielding a solid state laser system capable of destroying incoming missiles, aggressive aircraft or surface targets (like AA guns) at the speed of light. Literally point and shoot!
    Imagine a couple squadrons of these aircraft on patrol at high altitude, or perhaps orbital emplacements, to ward off ICBM attacks.
    And talk about percision! It would be the virtual end of collateral damage as tanks and other ground targets could be struck without endangering the buildings adjacent to the target as is the case with current JDAMs.
    This weapon system will revolutionize modern warfare.
    And that doesn’t even take into account the possiblities for long range communication, fusion energy, or surface to orbit transportation:
    Let’s spend a little more money on it!

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