Not a Comparison He Should Want to Make

Obama seems to think Clarence Thomas doesn’t have enough experience to be president. Can Obama even spell Clarence Thomas?
It seems fashionable for liberals to pronounce Clarence Thomas a lightweight without backing up the statement with an specific examples… unlike the many examples we could give of Obama being a lightweight. I really would be less annoyed with the whole Obama campaign if he just put out honest slogans like, “I’m an experience idiot! Take a chance! Vote Obama!”


  1. Just more proof that he believes he is the Chosen One.
    And did you also hear him say the abortion numbers haven’t changed under Bush? Even I know off the top of my head that they are the lowest in years.
    It’s almost getting mundane. He is fulfilling my expectations at every turn and it’s almost not even fun to gossip about his idiocy any more. In fact, BO has become such a bore, I’m almost excited about McCain (did I just say that?)

  2. Just another example of Obama bowing to his far left cheering section by attacking one of their favorite targets, Justice Thomas. Somebody, please tell me, who’s behind Obama? I really want to know, because it’s becoming more evident every day that there’s no way he got to the position as Democratic presidential hopeful by himself. Personal charisma can only go so far.

  3. #6 – Posted by: Joseph on August 18, 2008 12:57 PM

    Somebody, please tell me, who’s behind Obama? … Personal charisma can only go so far.

    Go to any university campus in the country – the large, incompetent, clueless segement of the student population is Obama’s primary base. The rest of his supporters are the same, but older. They’re still just as clueless though.
    Makes me want to punch all their stupid hippy faces…

  4. He should have given ample clearance to
    Clarence Thomas comment gives Obama’s game away. Parrot all the liberal “wisdom”. His light weightish-ness would be harder to spot if he simply pronounced the obvious….. To wit: Clarence Thomas is very highly logical and we’re lucky to have him.
    I keep saying other places when I comment that I will not vote for this black candidate. However should Clarence T. ever be on the ballot you damn well better not get twixt I and the ballot box or you will be run over ruffshod. You will feel as though a Clydesdale had his way with you.
    I admire Clarence’s opinions so highly that there would be not a moments hesitation.
    Obummer should consider how transparent it makes him when he says C.T. is unqualified. He’s qualified. B.O. just does not agree with him.

  5. Roger Murdock: We have clearance, Clarence.
    Captain Oveur: Roger, Roger. What’s our vector, Victor?
    Tower voice: Tower’s radio clearance, over!
    Captain Oveur: That’s Clarence Oveur. Over

  6. I…um…err…um…am…Barack…um…err…Obama…and I have been appointed your Messiah! I have looked at…um…err…the voting record…of Clarence Thomas…who I believe to be a white man in black face and I um…must say…um…that…um…well…that…um…err…my wife will replace Clarence Uncle Tom Thomas on the Supreme Court when I am…um…well…err…elected to the office of…above my pay grade…ok…hope and changy thingy…

  7. Ernie, I’m working on my masters degree right now; fortunately it’s in economics, where most everybody has sense enough to be conservative (or keep their mouth shut), so I’m kinda sheltered from having to constantly berate stupid hippies. Unfortunately I have to deal with Obama demonstrations on campus, his vapid cheering section in the student body, etc.

  8. Considering that a large segment of his voter “base” (in every sense of the word) are these “student activists”, I wonder has anyone factored “turnout dynamics” into thier equations? I mean surely a certain percentage will miss the polls due to premature election “celebrations” involving many many beer bongs and as much dope as possible the eve on Nov 1. They’ll be comatose on Nov 2. Then there is a large percentage that will stay up late playing HALO or final fantasy online… and be too tuckered to get out. And finally there will be a percentage that just cannot figure out how to get to a poll …. these are the ones that had to be hand held from dorm, to cafe, to the “quad” during the first three weeks of of their college “careers” because thay cant find there ass with both hands…

  9. #6 – Posted by: Joseph on August 18, 2008 12:57 PM
    And who engineered the Mac attack comeback? His campaign was dead. So dead that my favorite euphemism for visiting the crapper was “contibuting to the McCain campaign”, and then, somehow new life was breathed into the monster. Somebody ‘splain that one to me! I would have crossed over from the Libertarian candidate to vote for Fred, even though I had some disagreements with him on a few points. He still was the best R offering. I’m not entirely enthusiastic about Bob Barr, but Mac will not get my vote. Not even to avoid the obamanation.

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