Obama’s Looking at the Wrong Currency

So Barack is claiming that McCain’s ad comparing him to two white girls is racist, to wit:

“What they’re saying is ‘Well, we know we’re not very good but you can’t risk electing Obama. You know, he’s new, he doesn’t look like the other presidents on the currency, he’s a got a funny name.'”

Where to start…
Well, I guarantee you these currency guys, although not all Presidents, got beat up and had their lunch money stolen on a regular basis for having funny names.
Ulysses Grant ($50)
Grover Cleveland ($1000)
Salmon Chase ($10,000)
Woodrow Wilson ($100,000)
And – let’s be honest – can ANYONE say “Sacagawea” ($1 coin) without giggling?
As for looks, though, he’s absolutely right.
Obama’s got no powdered wig, no beard, no moustache, his hair is skull-tight, and don’t even get me started on those freakish Alfred E. Neumans popping out the side of his head.
On the other hand, there IS a vague resemblance to that one guy on the back of the $2 bill:

So maybe he’s a little more currency-qualified than he thinks.

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  1. That chocolatey man in the middle with the gray wig is Robert Morris? Hmmm. Looks a lot like Barak Washington, founding father of the republic of nonsense.
    Hey, it’s Friday and commenting seems to have stopped here. Plus, I got lectured by a liberal last week about the how high gas prices are good for people.

  2. Plus, I got lectured by a liberal last week about the how high gas prices are good for people.
    #3 – Posted by: Jimmy on August 1, 2008 01:53 PM
    I’m becoming more and more convinced that many of these treehugging libs are going to end up like the wacko group in Rainbow Six.

  3. The $2 bill? Sure it wasn’t the $3 dollar bill? Or maybe the $7 tolldar bill…..
    “Say, Bubba, there’s a fella from the city out front wanting me to break a $21 dollar bill for him. What should we do?”
    “Ask him if he wants it in 3’s or 7’s.”
    Yup, ol’ BO’s pic shoud be on the funny money, fer shurr…

  4. Well, I thought the $7 bill WAS a “tolldar” bill, Pilgrim.
    See, we use “tolldars” here in the Soviet State of Washington to pay for everything from bridge tolls, to mass transit that goes nowhere, to car tab fees that don’t get spent on roads. And, they’re equivalent to food stamps. We love them.
    If you visit Washingtin, I Hope you can make Change with tolldars. This is an Obama state, after all. And we have hippies and lot’s of liberal millionaires around who allay their guilt for not actually earning their money at Microsoft (just by their stock) by being nice, liberal, dogooder Democrats who watch PBS a lot. They’re so charming. Come visit us – and bring your toldars. You can ride with a liberal and get stuck in traffic and then proclaim “High gas prices and Democrats are soooooo good for us!”

  5. No, Marko, that would dash my ever-growing set of cynical skeells. It takes a LOT of work for me to get cynical and stay that way. It’s like treading water: after 10 minutes, you’re exhausted.

  6. Actually the people on dollar currency are simply called “presidents.” They don’t get referred to as “other presidents” unless you are one, too. Unless there was some form of presidential election that I missed, Obama’s not one.

  7. #5 – Posted by: MarkoMancuso on August 1, 2008 02:24 PM
    Rainbow Six is great for its realism. Its so believable. Of course, Clancy doesn’t get the respect he deserves from the literary community, not only because its full of liberals, but also because they are dumb****s .

  8. tsquare – confession time… I don’t know who the guy is, but he’s definitely white. A VERY detailed scan of the section of the bill in question shows definite caucasion features, and the coloring is just an illusion from the way the engraving is done.
    I chose my words carefully when I said “vague resemblance”.
    Amusingly, though, if you do some Googling, there’s an urban legend that the guy is not only black, but the President of the Continental Congress:
    It’s crap, of course, but it’s out there.

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