Obama’s Story

If you’re getting excited about Palin, remember that Obama has a great story too:

I think Jon Stewart is about to get excommunicated from the left for blasphemy.
(hat tip Hot Air)


  1. The comedy writers have been watching John McCain’s campaign ads, and saying “you know, I think he’s on to something!” Actually, McCain’s tongue-in-cheek style in his ads is making the Demos look like jerks, running around whining, stamping their feet, and saying “John McCain is a big meanie!” every time another ad comes out. anyway, I can remember the substance of at least 4 different McCain ads, but none of Obie’s. Who do you suppose is being more effective?

  2. James Taranto reports, “…according to the Invesco …stadium opened just under seven years ago when it hosted a Monday night game between the Broncos and the New York Giants. The date:
    Sept. 10, 2001.
    One supposes Obama chose the site in spite of, rather than because of, that symbolism.”
    Either way, a perfect symbol of the Sept.10th mentality of Obama.
    Even Jon Stewart is starting to see what a puffy headed buffoon his Dems have nominated.

  3. Jidenamackojoba (#11) is right. Doesn’t McCain know that he’s supposed to pick some crusty windbag who can claim decades of “experience” in Congress despite having done effectively nothing in all that time? Sadly, Ted Kennedy has health issues or he would have been perfect.

  4. #11 – Posted by: Jidenamackojoba on August 30, 2008 01:04 AM
    Do you guys hear that? It’s the call of the elusive whine-bird – a scarce and endangered creature that makes sure everybody knows how upset it is whenever it feels a bout of panic.
    Some are annoyed by this species, but, I have to admit, I have always found its chirping to be a pleasant sound.

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