Operation Needs More PC – Part 9 (Final)

The last of the Operation Needs More PC letters for your reading pleasure.
New Mission later this morning.

[The ever-annoying Cathy Zoi of WE asked this man for money – Ed.]
Dear Cathy,
Thank you sooooo much for contacting me about this exciting new website that makes such a difference as to saving our planet from GW and getting the word out about awareness of these issues, I have WE save on my favorites because I want to be a part of this exciting campain so that WE can STOP GW NOW!!!
A couple of weeks ago I sent in an issue/request/suggestion about your website, can you tell me if there has been any progress made on the issue/request/suggestion I brought up? Because I know it would go a long way to making your website more welcoming to a large amount of people than you are experiencing now. In case that e-mail was not passed to you, here it is in it’s intirety:

Hi WE!
Awesome site, I have u on my favorites on my computer because I know u make a DIFFERENCE in reducing gw NOW and I want to be a part of it!!
Question: you may want to rethink your t-shirts selection in your WE store, in that you only offer sizes up to XL and this may exclude some of our heavier members who would find these sizes too snug, but still want to show there support for the WE movement but may be offended by this ommission. In order to be sensitive to these larger people we should offer greater sizes. I myself know some people that would be interested in showing support for WE but would be uncomfortable in those tight shirts due to there size.
Please adress this situation in the name of fairness.
Thanks! ♥’in 08!
Barry Love

As you can see, this is an important consideration for your website because if we discriminate against heavy people then it sets a bad example in that where do you draw the line in whom you discriminate against, and there should be no discrimination especially from this website? As of the last time I went to the WE website there has been no change on this issue. Please respond as soon as you can and let me know the plans for correcting this injustice.
Thanks again, and here’s to the WEvolution!
Barry Love

This has got to be one of the more well done political satire sites I’ve ever come across. The farcical solutions to nonexistent climate emergencies, the bogus “feel good” success stories, the usual celebrity endorsements, the dire consequences of inaction scare tactics. You’ve tickled all the g-spots of the “touchy, feely, not much thinky” crowd. Identifying that “carbon sasquatch”, Al Gore as the guiding force of this endeavor is the cherry on the sundae. It’s like naming Brittany Spears as the new babysitter. I actually think that the well meaning fools who believe in this garbage could come away from this site with the realization that we can’t conserve or renew our way out of energy dependence without drilling, refining and coal mining also.

End mission. Recall all agents for new assignment.

One Comment

  1. “You’ve tickled all the g-spots of the “touchy, feely, not much thinky” crowd.”
    Funny, that one. That whole piece has a bit of a Greek ring to it. More:
    “carbon sasquatch”, Al Gore
    Thanks. Now I need a paper towel for my coffee monitor.

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