Passing Mention

Mention in Passing
The new Obama hand sign [via MarcoMancuso]:

If this were me personal blog, I’d photoshop a hand on either side of that, but since this site is technically PG-13, I’ll just say “”, and link the Wikipedia article with the written description.
The actual picture is only for consenting adults who love each other very much, are in a committed relationship, and have strong stomachs. You can Google it yourself, although be aware that it will leave scars.
Meanwhile, There’s a PG-15 bitch-slap in the extended entry…

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  1. RUSSIA invades GEORGIA!…. I think the United States should not tolerate this blatant attack on the United States. I don’t see why we are not bombing Russia right now!
    Have you seen the NEws?…Russian Tanks in Georgia!
    …I thought I would never see this day… I hope my friends in Atlanta and Columbus are doing ok.
    I haven’t been able to reach them for days!
    I mean, I didn’t know that “OPEN BORDERS” was this SERIOUS!>?

  2. The hand sign sure doesn’t look good regardless how you instinctively translate it.
    From historical references to pop culture, nothing good squirts out for this one. I hope the idiots like it and use it a lot.

  3. I saw the goatse photoshop with this hand symbol last week on a less reputable website that this one, and I have to add the standard internets warning:
    What has been seen cannot be unseen…
    And in other news, Bernie Mac died yesterday from pneumonia. Despite him becoming yet another black sheep for Obama, I still liked his act & his show on Fox.

  4. When your little darlings tell you their teacher taught them that homosexuality is a viable alternative lifestyle …
    No! Don’t show that image to your children!
    (unless they’ve been very, very, Very naughty, and are over the age of oh, about 57)
    “Happy Golden Anniversary, Mom and Dad!”
    “Thanks, son! Hey! Do you remember that time you wrecked my car when you were sixteen? Look at this!”
    … instead send it to their teacher, the principal, the superintendant, and the president of the local PTA.
    Make sure it can’t be traced back to you.
    Revealing the ugly truth behind politically correct causes is called a ‘hate’ crime these days!
    I can think of a few handsigns for berrie, but they’ve all been used before.

  5. I think that means that Osama has no sphincter control … That’s the smallest it gets these days. Guess he is never constipated.
    Get the button put a big red circle sith a diagonal line or a capitol red N …. NOBAMA!

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