
Obama’s numbers have kinda flat-lined, but I hear he has a historic speech coming up on August 28th that should give him a big boost in the polls.
Oh wait…

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  1. So now you have the Bi- White Guilt Ticket and the Old Guy, Hot Gun Babe Ticket. Somehow the fact that Johnny boy did not take the “safe” pick makes me more comfey with him.
    We might actually have a chance to avoid Armageddon……or not.

  2. Checking I noticed the poll takers average 10% more demoncrats than repubs but NObama only leads by three percentage points. Can some troll explain how we can trust McPalin isn’t ahead? You’re right Marvin, she’s hot, and loves guns. I finally feel okay, sort of, to vote for McCain.

  3. I just heard on Fox that McCain campaign released this bit of info: Bristol Palin is pregnant. I don’t want to think anything negative of Sarah…I’m loving her…..but do I second guess the rumor about her youngest actually being her daughter’s?
    Does anyone have anything that firmly disolves that rumor??
    I’ve read much, but the “fact” that Sarah supposedly got on a plane AFTER her water broke is telling. Anything out there that puts that rumor to rest?
    Bristol is supposed to marry the father of the child. I’m wondering how the left will play it…especially after BO whined about anyone mentioning his wife…..

  4. It’s a non-issue (IMO). I don’t think an issue with a child in her family is going to affect Homeland Security or the economy. If the left wants to cry about child welfare or family morals, then they can just do some research on Margaret Sanger or consult NARAL.

  5. Obama will win the 2008 presidential election. Some say he will raise taxes and ban fast foods but those people tend to be right wing bloggers like the hated morons at Hot Air. Barack and Michelle Obama love this country. Give them a chance! You’ll love ’em too!

  6. I’ve read much, but the “fact” that Sarah supposedly got on a plane AFTER her water broke is telling. Anything out there that puts that rumor to rest?
    My little guys are toddlers and according to the books I was reading by Susan Kaufman, women have up to 72 hours after their water breaks to get to a hospital. Anyone who is pregnant with a child who has a potential birth defect would be smart to try and get to their doctor, not just any doctor. Your doctor and hospital would have your records and information. This woman had four previous children, I suspect she knows what to do when in labor more so than the left does. They’re just pissed to find out that Republicans don’t actually leave their women in the kitchen barefoot (you know, unless we drink our coffee while watching our hubbies cook breakfast).
    [Here water didn’t break, I believe. I think it was an induced amniotic fluid leak or something. -Ed.]

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