
So basically Obama’s church spent a lot of time on hating whitey, but no time at all on not killing babies?


  1. It does make you wonder exactly which Bible they’re using. I’m figuring it’s not King James or one of the mainstream one.
    They must be using the Bad News For Modern Babies translation.

  2. You can find the TRUE Bible at My campaign website. All of the half-black churches in the country use it.
    It’s very similar to your racist cracker Bible. For example, here are the Ten Commandments of the TRUE Bible (yours FREE with a $500 contribution at!):
    I. I am the Obama, thy Messiah, thou shalt have no other candidates before Me.
    II. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Obama, thy Messiah, in vain, nor point out the multitude of times He lies.
    III. Keep holy the Obamath, during which thou willst devote thyself to the Obama and His campaign.
    IV. Honor thy father and mother, but only if they are Black – otherwise, it’s under the bus with them.
    V. Thou shalt not NOT kill Honkeys.
    VI. Thou shalt not commit adultery, unless thou canst keep the National Enquirer from finding out about it.
    VII. Thou shalt not steal My delegates.
    VIII. Thou shalt not bear false witness, unless thou art the Obama or one of His followers.
    IX. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, for I do not even covet My own.
    X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods, for thy neighbor will not have any once I am through with him.

  3. I was proud of my country once but then someone told me to read IMAO and I have to admit that I’m getting pretty jiggy! When my husband (The Messiah) is crowned King of All Creation…err…President of the United States, I’m going to personally see to it that “The Fairness Doctrine” is enacted and that the owner of this site is jailed…with the opportunity to get to know someone of my color…named Bubba…
    Michelle Obama

  4. No offense intended to anyone who has posted here tonight but in my own best interest I’m going to avoid the lightening bolts from on high and log off now … I’ll be back in a day or two when things have calmed down a bit.

  5. There you go trying to comment on Barrack’s comments again.
    Per Obama, you may only comment on Obama’s comments when he says it’s okay. To quote him or his wife correctly or take their statements at face value is damaging to his campaign, and he simply won’t tolerate that.

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