
We all pretty much know that Obama is in no way qualified to be president of the United States, but has anyone ever looked into what in the world are his qualifications to be a U.S. Senator?

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  1. Now look, if we’re going to need qualifications for the Senate, the bar is going to have to be set pretty low, or we’ll suddenly have trouble getting a quorum.
    On second thought, that would be a good thing. Carry on.

  2. He’s a corrupt Chicago democrat which is all that’s required in Illinois. In any other state his qualifications would be just enough to get him to drive a garbage truck. Or be a meter maid.
    Let’s face it, the Democrat party nucking futs to nominate this Commie anti-American piece of crap. Then again, he does represent what the Democrat party has become quite nicely, doesn’t he?
    Too bad Fred Thompson isn’t the Republican nominee. Can you imagine poor Dumbama showing up to a debate and being reduced to a whimpering, simpering wreck by the mere force of Fred Thompson’s awesomeness? Just a mean stare from Fred would cause the Dumbamessiah to drop dead from fear.

  3. Let’s see:
    1. at least thirty years old
    2. US citizen for at least nine years
    3. lived in the state that he represents at the time of his election
    That’s it. The requirements for a driver’s license are more stringent, as the case of Teddy “Let’s Drive Off That Bridge When We Come to It” Kennedy attests.

  4. Apparently, there used to be a comic book hero called the Black Condor. As an infant, he was rescued and raised by a Condor – in Africa No Less! He somehow taught himself to fly and what not. He then caught wind of a plot to assassinate a US Senator, but was too late to save him – so he assumed his identity, thus becoming a US Senator.
    So, it would be safe to assume that in addition to all of the above listed qualifications, you must also be raised by African Condors and be able to fly.
    Makes perfect sense to me….

  5. Associates (Super Secret): Tony Rezko and B. L. Zabbub.
    Check Check
    Soul Condition: Sold
    Likes his Fore-Fathers in the same regard he likes his real two, three or four fathers.
    Can dodge the issues.
    Super flexible. He has no spine.
    Able to leap shady real estate deals in a single bound.
    Says he can save the world but somehow can’t save an infant that survived a labor induced abortion.
    Yeah he’s ready to represent Democratic Leadership. Now only if we can get him to take a ride with Ted Kennedy driving.

  6. You think this dill weed will actually be running things once elected? You know nothing about my world…Muwhahahah! I will make this uppity negro dance like…well…like…an uppity negro when he’s in office…Muwhahahahah! I shall run the world! Obama shall be but a trinket for the rest of the world to watch as I implement my masterplan! Muwhahahahah!

  7. He’s got that little glass bobber bird that pokes the “present” button on the desk of his Senate chamber seat. Meanwhile he’s somewhere eating waffles and chain smoking Newports.

  8. Muslims believe that the sound of bells disturbs the rest of the dead. That is why they have those allah-awful muezzins yodelling at 4:30 AM. Apparently, if a Muslim walks through a Chicago cemetery ringing a small bell, the dead will rise to vote for him just to make him go away.

  9. This is getting a little out of hand here as far as Barrak (Hussein/Milhouse) Obama’s qualifications are concerned.
    I have only one question about his qualifications; could he pass a background check to enlist in the armed forces of the United States of America? The answer is NO, even the Marine Corps (which has the reputation of taking convicted felons in lieu of prison time, which they haven’t actually done since Vietnam; the reputation is still intact though) wouldn’t take Obama considering his past associations.
    (full disclosure time: I served 6 years active duty USMC under Reagan and Bush ’41 a friend of mine back home was denied enlistment because of questionable associations. MY security clearance was restricted as a result of the investigation of my friend, whom I hadn’t seen in over ten years. A mutual friend of ours used a homemade pipebomb to remove a tree stump after a thunderstorm toppled the tree in a neighbors yard). Let’s see here neither of my friends bombed the Pentagon nor a New York Police Station nor the Capitol building nor engaged in anti-american rhetoric from the pulpit nor engaged in community organizing against the elected government. I’d go on but my finger tips are getting sore.
    Barack Obama would be denied enlistment in the armed forces of the United States because his direct associations would make him a security risk and untrustworthy regarding military secrets. What scares me the most is he has a realistic chance of becoming “Commander In Chief”.
    I’ve mentioned this before and I’ll type it again the oath I took compells me to defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Kerry was an outright traitor and if elected I would have fullfiled my oath. Obama is an empty suit/marionette what he does is not directly his responsibility … if he’s elected and I find out who’s pulling his strings … I’ll leave that to your imagination …

  10. #18 – BLC.
    You bad man! No government handouts for you! If BHO wasn’t afraid to show the world he is fluent in commie-speak, he’d call you a racist cracker for that one. Personally, I am proficient in Babel Fish.

  11. Apparently BHO’s qualification for office is his mad lawyering skillz since this is the first election he has faced serious opposition. In his previous attempts he lawyered his opponents off the ballot or got their messy divorce records unsealed, thus forcing them to withdraw. Alan Keyes is the biggest opponent he has faced until the Democratic Primaries.
    And the field was pretty pathetic this year, Hillary was the only serious opposition and she proved a pushover. I was waiting for her oppo research team to dig up the dirt on BHO and Rezko, the Chicago mob, Ayers, etc and blow his ass away. Or just blow his ass away like happens to most people the Clinton’s find to be a problem. But apparently Hillary is no Bill Clinton.

  12. Raise your taxes – Check
    More Government – Check
    Nancy Pelosi’s Butt Boy – Check
    Kill All The Babies – Check
    Blame America Always All The Time – Check
    Look To Europe For All Your Answers – Check
    Best Friends Hate America – Check
    Gut The Military – Check
    Raise The White Flag Of Surrender – Check
    Above Your Pay Grade – Check

  13. He’s 46 years old, and has never had a real job. Who better for the Democrat candidate? Some people start out as McDonalds or grocery store workers, Obama wants to start as President, then work his way up from there.

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