Responding to Stuff

I got a lot of e-mails about this, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t me. Yeah, it does sound kinda like me, but I don’t remember writing that.
Also, a couple people forwarded me an e-mail (that I got myself) that Fred Thompson will have a announcement on Monday thinking that means he’s going to do a third-party run. Come on, people; he’s a party man, not a Don Quixote. I assume the announcement will be about his new FredPAC to support conservatives (like Palin).


  1. If it was you or sounded like you then you must be an idiot.
    He is this guy running for presidency who just proved he has no judgement by picking an inexperienced, scandalicious nutjob who abused her power by firing a trooper and probably just recently faked being pregnant. It was probably her daughter’s baby who was conveniently hiding from school during the pregnancy with “mono” – yeah right. Ha ha michellemalkinluvas – it’s all aboard the McFail boat for y’all. Hey let’s all name our kids after Track and Field events. I’ll name my next boy Hurdle.

  2. They clearly made the announcement, it’s even in the documentary: “Don’t eat the brown acid!” While some had “three days of fun and music and nothing but fun and music” (as Max Yasgar put it), others who didn’t heed the warning may still be having problems.

  3. #5–
    If it’s an abuse of power to fire a drunk-driving trooper who tasered a child, I guess I support abuse of power.
    If she really did take in her daughter’s disabled child, she’s an angel, not a nutjob. However, as has been pointed out, it is highly unlikely that a 16-year-old would give birth to a child with Down’s syndrome, but the risk is very high for an older mother.
    Are you sure your name isn’t DumbReaderofBlogs?

  4. No Trish, he got it right. As soon as he shows up that blog is, by definition, “Dumb” as he brings down the collective IQ. Heck, he’s also an “attender of dumb Mensa meetings”.
    Man, this election keeps getting funnier and funnier, look at one of the attacks from the dumb reader above, Hey let’s all name our kids after Track and Field events. I’ll name my next boy Hurdle.
    How funny is that attack going to be when it’s coming from “Moonbeam Flowerchild”?
    Do the idiots on the left really want to get into a discussion of stupid names for kids?
    I’m sure they do, they’re just that stupid.

  5. One of the comments on the global warming thing:
    That “Frank” is either A. Trying to be funny or B. A complete dumb-ass/elementary school drop out.
    So which one is it, Frank? 🙂

  6. Its been recently broguht to my attention too. I posted that (i’m not the owner of this website.) I posted it as a joke and i’m quite proud of the attention its gotten. If you want me to post on gamefaqs with that account again then i will and post you link here.

  7. You’ve really made it now Frank. You have trolls out their pretending to be you. That usually only happens to the folks that consistently cause their knickers to twist.
    Good Job.

    I’ve never heard of this website until today. when someone linked it in the comments of that site. I wasn’t pretending to be this guy its just a coincidence.

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