
I can’t believe that out of the entirety of the Democrat Party, Obama couldn’t find a single qualified African-American to choose as a running mate.
I suspect racism.


  1. I was going to post something clever, but I think 1-5 pretty much sum it up. #5 is especially brilliant and succinct, making me glad I finished lunch before reading it. Keyboards ain’t cheap or easy to clean, ya know.

  2. My theory is everyone else turned him down and Biden is working for the Clintons. Hint hint.
    The thing about Biden is that he ISN’T “clean and articulate.” I’ve been referring to him for years as “Mr. Stinky Dirty Shorts” but “Baracky and Bullstinkle.” over at Ace is better.

  3. Oh and don’t sully the memory of my favorite cartoon by referring to Osamabama that way. The Squirrel and Moose were nothing if not patriotic Americans. Oshama is nothing like a patriotic American.
    Instead we could refer to them as Dudley DoWrong and Snidely Cheatpants. After all they were Canadians and isn’t that what the Libs are working toward?

  4. Harry Reid said,
    “We now have the ticket that’s going to bring the change we’ve all been hoping for.”
    Was he asleep at the time?
    Sure, the announcement came pretty early but couldn’t someone hand the old fool a cup of coffee before asking him for a quote?
    I can’t believe he said that!
    I laughed so hard I woke my dogs!

  5. Sorry, #10, but the play on words was just too perfect (and coincidental) to pass up! But I’ll think of you every time I use them in private (OK, like once here – done – but just your luck, someone else will pick up on them!)
    BTW, I was explaining to my Democrat sister (formerly Goldwater Republican sister – um yeah, go figure that one!) today just who Biden reminds me of. We grew up in a “tough” Catholic parish and Biden reminds me of “those kids” from big families who escaped their mother’s bathing schedule, had chronically dirty faces, runny noses and literally stunk of dirty shorts. They were tough, bite and scratch kids and I see some grew up to be Senators.

  6. Obama has caused any racism comments on his own. Here we have a man, who was born of a white mother, and raised and provided for by a white family, yet embraces the black race because of the color of his skin… something really nothing to be proud of considering the only reason for his complexion is because his father was nothing more than a sperm donor. Don’t get me wrong – everyone has the right to be proud – for being good parents, good people, etc… The color of your skin does not make you special or give you any particular reason to be proud (other than the fact than you might not have to go to the tanning booth to get a suntan). What is most sickening about the whole thing is that while racism is cried when someone votes against Obama… nobody seems to realize the racism in voting for him simply because he has a darker skin tone. I guess it would be racism if 90% of the white people in America voted for Hillary… but nobody seems to bat an eye at the fact that in every state that voted, 90% of the black population voted for Obama. If he really wants to win over the Hillary supporters, he needs to start replacing his eloquent speeches and famous “YES WE CAN” quote with “And this is how we’re going to accomplish this…”. We need substance not speeches, and if you want a motivational speaker, check out Tony Robbins.. he’ll make you feel like a million bucks and wont send the country to hell in a handbag.

  7. Jimmy
    Well, Sarah Palin would be 5 out of 8, and I’m sure she hurts herself sometimes when drivin’ her snowmobile, that’d make it 6/8.
    Plus, she’s pro-drilling. And I’m ALLLL for that, if y’know what I mean. Rowr.

  8. BooBerrie and Frankenberrie?
    Heckle and Jeckle?
    Buggs and Daffy?
    Yogy and Boo-Boo?
    Quisp and Quake?
    Snap and Crackle (but not Pop)?
    Mickey and Donald?
    Goofy and Pluto?
    Boris and Natasha?
    Mutt and Jeff?
    Tom and Jerry?
    Almost and Any?

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