Shorter Daily Kos

The nutroots are really going extra crazy over that Rick Warren interview. They thought McCain did so well that he must have cheated. They also think his story about the cross in the sand is so amazing it has to not be true. If you’re wondering what argument the Kwazy Kos Kids have had on those issues over the past couple days, Keith Olbermann sums them up succinctly:

Tip for the nutroots: McCain never mentions he has a son who is serving. What’s he trying to hide there? Maybe you should try and get lots of media attention on that.


  1. Uhh…Mc…err…Cain….uhh..errr…uhhh…obviously…uhhh…cheated….uhhhhhhhhh…errr…beacuse he….uhhh…wouldn’t let Me…errrrr…uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….use a…uhhhhhhhh….errrrr….uhhhhhhhhh….teleprompter!

  2. It’s not fair to judge Barrack by his answers to questions. Just knowing that he’s going to change the world should be enough for all of us. Be grateful we have a new Messiah. Barrack Akbar!! Barrack Akbar!! (boom)

  3. “McCain never mentions he has a son who is serving.” Probably because, once, he was the serving son of someone in a high position, and he regretted the connection at that specific time because it was used against him and his family. I think the Dems may be getting smart enough to realize putting media attention on that may backfire badly. More war hero stories = not good. Democrats likened to enemy captors = even worse.

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