Remember how I asked folks to sign up for a free Obama button to waste the time & money of MoveOn.org?
Well, I just got an email:

Dear MoveOn member,
When we started giving out free Obama buttons, we had absolutely no idea how much demand there’d be. It’s been incredible: so far, MoveOn members have ordered over 1.5 million buttons!
Trouble is, we just can’t afford to keep giving away this many buttons, so we’ve decided we have to cap it at 2 million.
That means there are fewer than 500,000 buttons left
We really want every Obama supporter in the country to be able to get his or her own Obama button. But unless something changes, we can’t afford to keep supplying them for free.
So tell your family and friends and loved ones to get them now, before they’re all gone.

Two quick points:
2) Remember folks, this lesson applies to “free” health care, too – it only works until all the doctors who are forced to give away their talents decide to quit.


  1. They have 500,000 left? Time to barrage them with a second wave of request, this time sending them to another address that wouldn’t appreciate it. An Uncle who is very pro-GOP, a Marine Recruiting Office, the Georgian Embassy. Maybe we could even send it to someone who would appreciate it, but who Obama wouldn’t want to have featured in the news. Hamas, the Italian Communist Party, Uganda. This has the added advantage that the libs would be paying international postage.
    Now as for the question, what is the address for these places, and do they even get mail service there? What do you think the internet is for?

  2. But we’re such a rich country, we should be able to take care of everyone for free!
    WONDERFUL EXAMPLE of how that doesn’t really work in the real world. I try to tell folks that in the ER where I work, if we have 6 community ambulances, and all 6 are out on runs from people who are using them as ‘cabulances” (taxis), if a 7th person is having a heart attack and actually NEEDS an emergency ambulance, it ain’t gonna happen. If ONLY we would purchase…how many more ambulances? How many more ER rooms can we build to take care of the crush of non-pay patients that overuse the ER now?
    No one has been able to answer for me. And telling me if only there were better services for the poor, more clinics, more doctors…and who pays for that? And again, how many? How many doctors want to work there? For what kind of salary? Most doctors won’t take Medicaid now because the pay rate is too low, and the bureaucracy is positively Byzantine to deal with.

  3. Mos I know exactly what you mean about the cabulances.
    I grew up in neighborhood that had several HUD homes. The closest hospital was right next to a major mall about 10 miles away. One lady right across the street from me would call them at least twice a month and come back home with bags from shopping. They already got free healthcare and home. They had no worries.

  4. #5 — you may not like the style, but you’re missing the point. The point, largely, is to have fun at the expense of the moveon idiots. The second point is that, just as there is a limited supply of buttons, there is also a limited supply of doctors who will happily continue to work at government-mandated rates (and rates WILL be government-mandated under Socialized health care). It’s basic supply and demand.
    You might not enjoy that the flaw in The Obamessiah’s plan can so easily revealed with a button analogy (because, if it could be, that would make it, him, and anyone who believes him, stupid), but there ya go.

  5. When Obama’s campaign stated that “everyone” would get pins, they really meant that only a limited amount of people would receive pins.
    You folks really must stop quoting Barrack and his wife correctly and taking them at face value, as it’s very damaging to his campaign, and Lord Barrack won’t tolerate that.

  6. I was a Paramedic in the ’80’s and ’90’s. We had a frequent flyer family of welfare rats. These people were serious welfare abusers. They would call, saying one of their kids wasn’t breathing. We’d get there, and the kid was happy as a clam. They would want to go to the ER anyway. They would wait around until the hospital them a welfare taxi voucher, then they’d sign out and walk across the parking lot to the store.

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