That Different Barack Obama

Barack Obama claimed that when he accused Republicans of scaring people away from him because he doesn’t look like the presidents on the dollar bills, he wasn’t talking about race. I guess that’s believable if he wasn’t just talking about himself in that statement, but also stating why people are critical of his peers Britney Spears and Paris Hilton (and I apologize for mentioning a black man and white women in the same sentence; I know that’s racist). If you take the three of them together, they are a lot more feminine than the people on the dollar bills (and the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin).
So, if Barack Obama wasn’t saying he looked different than the other presidents because of race, what do you think was the differences he was referring to?

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  1. Barak Obama vs. Washington, Lincoln, Hamilton, Jefferson, Grant, and Franklin?
    The differences I see that Obama is lacking sound Judgment, Moral Courage, A sincere love for this country and balls.

  2. First of all, a shiny star on everyone’s paper for not latching on to this new instance of HIS use of the plural when referring to the images of presidents on currency. True, HE has troubles with numbers, but dork that HE is, HE can tell you that Lincoln is not the only president ever to appear on the fiver.
    Now as far as appearances go, Abraham “sawbuck” Lincoln was arguably the strangest looking person ever to seek public approval for anything at all, let alone hold public office. Back before PR consultants, an ordinary citizen wrote Abe and told him, “Look, just grow a beard already. That mug of yours could peel paint.” (or words to that effect,
    But still, this is not the race card. What HE was referring to is HIS inability to grow a beard due to all the hormone therapy. Please show the proper sensitivity to this imporant issue.
    The time is ripe for a gender ambiguous president.

  3. The claim by Obama’s people that Obama was not talking about race is an outright lie.
    Put the shoe on the other foot – if McCain had actually said something like “Obama doen’t look like the presidents on the dollar bils” (which he never, never would) can anyone seriously believe that the Obama camp would take this as anything but a racial remark? Of course not, they’d be up in arms along with their MSM supporters ready to put McCain on trial for a hate crime.
    BTW: Obama does look like the presidents on the dollar bills – he’s black & white and two dimensional.

  4. There is NO ONE in the campaign to explain that the color of Obama’s half-baked skin is irrelevant. It’s his ill-conceived, ignorant, arrogant, inconsistent, have-it-both-ways liberal philosophy that people object to.
    McCain doesn’t have the brains – or the balls – to take this on because he’s guilty of some of the same liberal crap Obama is. And the mainstream media wouldn’t want to hear it anyway.
    ‘Racism’ has become the straw man of 2008.

  5. McCain Doesn’t have to say much about this. He has pointed out the only candidate so far that has pulled the race card, is The Obama Campaign.
    For all his pretty speaches, you can’t cover blinding ingnorance of the issues. Hence why the Chosen one didn’t want to debate Hildabeast, And why I make a prediction that Obama will not do any traditional presidential debates. He can’t compete with McCain.
    All McCain has to do is sit back and let Obama stick his own foot in his mouth.

  6. what do you think was the differences he was referring to?
    Probably those big-ass Dumbo ears he sports. No other guy on the currency looks like they’re about to take flight. I think he’d need two denominations for his visage, one for his face & another for the ears.

  7. Easy, Those guys on the curreny have substance. And I’m not just talking about the men, I’m talking about their images on the currency have more substance than Obama.
    Oddly the jury is still out on whether the 50 cent piece has more substance than the president inscribed.
    May Obama serve as many presidental terms as the white man on the $100 bill.

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